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ERCOT External Web Services (EWS)

  1. Introduction

    1. Purpose

    2. Scope

    3. Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

    4. References

    5. Program-level Standards

  2. Services Organization

    1. Common Message Structure

    2. Message Header

      1. Request Message Structures

      2. Payload Structures

      3. Response Message Structures

    3. Common Security Implementation

      1. Secure the Transport layer

      2. Secure SOAP messages

    4. Modeling and Conventions

      1. Use of the IEC CIM

      2. Representation of Time

      3. Market Products

      4. Management and Use of Transaction IDs (mRIDs)

      5. Other Conventions

      6. Precision

      7. XML Special Characters

    5. Delivery Approach

    6. Technical Interoperability

    7. Service Level Agreements

    8. Auditing, Monitoring and Management

    9. Versioning

    10. Governance

    11. Web Service Configuration Standards

    12. Web Service Design Assumptions and Limitations

  3. Market Transaction Service

    1. Interfaces Provided

    2. Interfaces Required

    3. Message Specifications

      1. Three-Part Supply Offer (TPO)

      2. Self-Arranged Ancillary Service Quantities (SAA)

      3. Incremental and Decremental Energy Offer Curves (IDO)

      4. Ancillary Service Offer (ASO)

      5. Ancillary Service Trade (AST)

      6. Availability Plan (AVP)

      7. Capacity Trade (CT)

      8. Current Operating Plan (COP)

      9. DAM Energy Bid (EB)

      10. DAM Energy-Only Offer (EOO)

      11. Energy Trade (ET)

      12. Output Schedule (OS)

      13. PTP Obligation Bid (PTP)

      14. Self-Schedule (SS)

      15. Real-Time Market Energy Bid (REB)

      16. Exceptional Fuel Cost (EFC)

    4. Error Handling

    5. Usage and XML Samples

      1. Offer and Bid Set Submission

      2. Querying Bids, Offers, Trades and Schedules

      3. Updating Bids, Offers, Trades and Schedules

      4. Canceling Bids, Offers, Trades and Schedules

  4. Market Information

    1. Interfaces Provided

    2. Interfaces Required

      1. AwardSet

      2. AwardedAS

      3. AwardedCRR

      4. AwardedEnergyBid

      5. AwardedEnergyOffer

      6. AwardedEnergyOnlyOffer

      7. AwardedPTPObligation

      8. Forecasted Load

      9. System Load - Same as Total ERCOT Load

      10. Market Totals - Same as Total DAM Energy

      11. Market LMPs, SPPs and Price Corrections

      12. Market MCPCs

      13. Binding Constraints

      14. SCED Violated Constraints

      15. Price Corrected SCED Violated Constraints

      16. Ancillary Service Obligation

      17. Dynamic Ratings

      18. Load Ratio Share

      19. Aggregated Ancillary Service Offer Curves

      20. Ancillary Service Plan

      21. Startup and Shutdown Instructions

      22. Total Ancillary Service Offers

      23. Total DAM Energy - Same as Market Totals

      24. Weather Data

      25. Responsive Reserve Capacity - See System Parameters

      26. Non-Spinning Reserve - See System Parameters

      27. Undeployed Reg-Up and Reg-Down - See System Parameters

      28. Available Capacity - See System Parameters

      29. Wind-Powered Generation Resource Production Potential

      30. Short-Term Wind Power Forecast

      31. Total ERCOT Load - Same as System Load

      32. Total ERCOT Generation Operating Reserve - See System Parameters

      33. UnconfirmedTrades

      34. ConfirmedTrades

      35. DAM Ancillary Service Offer Insufficiency Report

      36. End of Adjustment Period Results

      37. Two Hour Warning Results

      38. DAM Phase II Validation Results

      39. System Parameters

      40. RTD Indicative Base Points

      41. RTD Indicative LMPs

      42. SCED ORDC Price Adders

      43. RT Price Adder ORDC

      44. RTD Indicative ORDC Price Adders

      45. Photovoltaic Generation Resource Production Potential

      46. Short-Term Photovoltaic Power Forecast

      47. Price Corrected SOTG/SODG 15-min Prices

      48. Price Corrected SOTG/SODG LMPs

  5. Notifications

    1. Interfaces Provided

    2. Interfaces Required

    3. Message Specifications

      1. Offer and Bid Set Acceptance

      2. Offer and Bid Set Errors

      3. Confirmed and Unconfirmed Trades

      4. Energy Offer Awards

      5. DAM Energy-Only Offer Awards

      6. DAM Energy Bid Awards

      7. Ancillary Service Awards

      8. CRR Awards

      9. PTP Obligation Awards

      10. Ancillary Service Obligations

      11. Outage Notifications

      12. Startup/Shutdown Instructions

      13. Wind Generation Forecast

      14. DAM Ancillary Service Offer Insufficiency Report

      15. End of Adjustment Period Results

      16. Two Hour Warning Results

      17. DAM Phase II Validation Results

      18. Solar Generation Forecast

    4. Notices and Alerts

      1. MMS System-Generated Notices

      2. EMS System-Generated Notices

      3. NMMS System-Generated Notices

      4. Operator Notices

  6. Outage Scheduling Interfaces

    1. Interfaces Provided

    2. Message Specifications

      1. Outage Creation

      2. Outage Query

      3. Outage Update

      4. Outage Cancellation

  7. Utility Interfaces

    1. Interfaces Provided

      1. Get mRID

      2. System Status

      3. Request Test Notification

      4. Change Active Notification URL

      5. Get SASM ID List

  8. Reports

    1. GetReports

  9. Resource Parameter Transaction Service

    1. Interfaces Provided

      1. Querying for Resource Parameters Set

      2. Updating Resource Parameters Set

      3. Canceling Resource Parameters Set

    2. Message Specifications

      1. Generator Resource Parameters

      2. Controllable Load Resource Parameters

      3. Non Controllable Load Resource Parameters

      4. Resource Parameters

  10. Verbal Dispatch Instructions

    1. Interfaces Provided

    2. Interfaces Required

    3. Message Specifications

      1. Verbal Dispatch Instructions Structure

  11. Get Notifications

    1. Message Specification

  12. Appendices

    1. Appendix A: WS-Notifications

    2. Appendix B: WSDL for Market Requests

    3. Appendix C: XML Schemas for Message and Payload Definitions

    4. Appendix D: Annotated SOAP Message

    5. Appendix E: SOAP Examples

    6. Appendix F: XSL Examples

    7. Appendix G: Payload Compression Example

    8. Appendix H: DST XML Examples