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Resource Parameter Transaction Service

Each Market Participant can provide directions (using a ResParametersSet) to ERCOT on any changes to resource parameters.  Any changes submitted become effective upon completion and validation of the submission for all applicable markets.  When submitted, ERCOT will validate the submission, reporting format or submission errors to Market Participants using notification messages. 

Interfaces Provided

The interfaces provide the means to create (i.e. change), get (i.e. query), and cancel (i.e. delete) resource parameters for the next trading date.  A single container class 'ResParametersSet' is used to hold a request for changing resource parameters within the Payload section of the message, where each of the requests may be of a different type.

The following diagram shows an example message sequence, using the 'verb' and 'noun' convention. Where this section focuses on the requests made by Market Participant systems to the ERCOT Nodal Web Services, the sequence diagram also includes notification messages sent from ERCOT to Market Participant Notification services (as described in section 5):

    participant A as Market Participant Notification Service
    participant B as Market Participant System
    participant C as ERCOT Nodal External Interfaces
    B->C: 1. Create ResParametersSet
    C-->B: 2. Reply ResParametersSet (Status=SUBMITTED)
    C->C: 3. ResParametersSet Validated
    C->A: 4. Updated ResParametersSet (Status=ERRORS)
    B->C: 5. get ResParametersSet
    C-->B: 6. Reply ResParameterSet
    B->C: 7. cancel ResParameterSet
    C-->B: 8. Reply ResParametersSet
    B->C: 9. Update ResParametersSet
    C-->B: 10 Reply ResParametersSet
    C->C: 11. ResParametersSet revalidated
    C->A: 12. Updated ResParametersSet (status=ACCEPTED)

The message sequence example shown involves the following steps:

  1. Market participant sends a RequestMessage for 'change ResParametersSet' with an initial ResParametersSet in the payload to ERCOT.

  2. In response to step 1, ERCOT performs a simple syntax scan and typically sends a ResponseMessage with ReplyCode=OK. In the response payload, each ResParametersSet will identify a 'SUBMITTED' status and an mRID value. (An alternative example could result in a reply of 'ERRORS' if the syntax check failed, in which case steps 3 and 4 would not occur). This reply is synchronous.

  3. ERCOT validates the Resource Parameters Set request within the ResParametersSet. This could take several minutes. This processing is done asynchronously.

  4. A notification message (using verb=changed) is sent to the notification interface provided by the Market Participant. The status of the Resource Parameters change requests within the ResParametersSet will indicate whether the request was PENDING/ACCEPTED or had ERRORS. This message will not include the complete ResParametersSet.

Querying for Resource Parameters Set

The following table describes the parameters used in the “get” request message (RequestMessage) for market information, noting that each transaction has a request and a response message. The verb “get” is used to query for ResParametersSet.

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun ResParametersSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user

ResParametersSet mRID:



The corresponding response messages (ResponseMessage) would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun ResParametersSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error message if the ReplyCode is ERROR
Reply/Timestamp The time the submission was received by ERCOT
Payload ResParametersSet

In the cases of payloads that would otherwise exceed 1 megabyte, the payloads should be zipped, base64 encoded and stored within the 'Payload/Compressed' tag.

Updating Resource Parameters Set

The following table describes the parameters used in the “change” request message (RequestMessage) for market transaction, noting that each transaction has a request and a response message. The verbs “change” is used to submit update requests to for ResParametersSet.

Message Element Value
Header/Verb change
Header/Noun ResParametersSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Payload ResParametersSet (a single ResParametersSet may be used for update request messages

The corresponding response messages (ResponseMessage) would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun ResParametersSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error message if the ReplyCode is ERROR
Reply/Timestamp The time the submission was received by ERCOT
Payload ResParametersSet, where the status of each Res Par Change Request within the ResParametersSet may be SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, or ERRORS. Specific errors may be identified for each Res Parameter Change Request.

In the cases of payloads that would otherwise exceed 1 megabyte, the payloads should be zipped, base64 encoded and stored within the 'Payload/Compressed' tag.

For the purposes of ResParametersSet, the verbs create and change can be used interchangeably. Note that only one ResParametersSet “change” request is permitted for a given message.

Canceling Resource Parameters Set

The following table describes the parameters used in the “cancel” request message (RequestMessage) for market transaction, noting that each transaction has a request and a response message. The verbs “cancel” is used to delete (cancel) a previously submitted “change” ResParametersSet.

Message Element Value
Header/Verb cancel
Header/Noun ResParametersSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user

ResParametersSet full mRID:


The corresponding response messages (ResponseMessage) would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun ResParametersSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error message if the ReplyCode is ERROR
Reply/Timestamp The time the submission was received by ERCOT
Payload ResParametersSet, where the status of each Res Par Change Request within the ResParametersSet may be CANCELED or ERRORS. Specific errors may be identified for each Res Parameter cancel Request.

In the cases of payloads that would otherwise exceed 1 megabyte, the payloads should be zipped, base64 encoded and stored within the 'Payload/Compressed' tag.

Message Specifications

A ResParametersSet is the payload type used for the submission and query of Resource Parameter Set requests, and serves as a container for the different types of ResParametersSet requests that are submitted by a QSE.

An important note is that the ResParametersSet uses an XSD choice, requiring one type of ResParametersSet to be provided at a time.

In order to query a ResParametersSet, A ResParametersSet is sent using the 'get' verb, where the desired Resource Parameter requests for the specific ResParametersSet is identified.

When a ResParametersSet is returned by a 'get' request, the status value of each in the ResParametersSet is populated. Values could include:

  • SUBMITTED (to indicate submission, but no further processing has been completed)

  • ACCEPTED (to indicate successful validation and acceptance of the transaction)

  • ERRORS (to indicate that there are one or more errors for the transaction)

The following sub sections describe the structure of specific ResParameters types.

When submitting a ResParametersSet request using change, all properties for the ResParametersSet must be specified. When performing a get request, only those parameters that uniquely identify the ResParameters must be specified through the use of an mRID. The following diagram shows information commonly maintained for each type of ResParameters: The status for a given ResParameters may be SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, or ERRORS. If the status is ERRORS, there may be one or more error stings identified.

ResParametersRequest Structure

An mRID is constructed and returned in the payload of the response as part of the ResParametersRequest structure in the following format


Where ResParametersType can be:

ResParamatersType ResParamatersTypeCode








The mRID is not supplied for the initial submission of a bid, but must be supplied for query for a previously submitted ResParameters. When an mRID is specified for a 'get' request, it is supplied using a message request/ID tag.

Query by short-mRID is also supported in the following format (without the resource):


Invoking queries on these web service (via 'get') using short mRID, returns Resource Parameters for all the resources that belong to the requesting QSE for a given ResParamatersType.

The 'externalId' may be populated by the QSE with an identifier of their choice. If supplied upon submission, the identifier will then be used in conjunction with notifications of acceptance or rejection due to errors.

Generator Resource Parameters

Controllable Load Resource Parameters

Non Controllable Load Resource Parameters

Resource Parameters