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Generator Resource Parameters

Generator Resource Parameters

The following diagram defines the structure of a Generator Resource Parameters that could be included within a ResParametersSet, using the GenResourceParameters tag:

GenResourceParameters Structure

GenResourceParameters Structure

NormalRRCurveInterval Structure

EmergencyRRCurveInterval Structure

GenResourceParametersDetails Structure

New with RTC+B Implementation

GenResourceParameters Structure

The error tag is used to return one or more errors that may be the consequence of the failure of business or syntax validation rules for Generator Resource Parameter change submittals.

On submission, the following table describes the items used for a ResParametersSet change request.

Element Req? Datatype Description Values
mRID N String ERCOT assigned
externalId N String External ID QSE supplied
status N String Return status SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, or ERRORS
Error/severity N String Error if any Error text
Error/area N String Error if any Error text
Error/interval N String Error if any Error text
Error/text N String Error if any Error text
resource Y String Resource name
normalRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateUp Y float MW/min
normalRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateDown Y float MW/min
normalRrCurve/rrPoint/breakPoint Y float
emergencyRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateUp Y float MW/min
emergencyRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateDown Y float MW/min
emergencyRrCurve/rrPoint/breakPoint Y float
Details/minOnlineTime Y float time in hours
Details/minOfflineTime Y float time in hours
Details/maxOnlineTime Y float time in hours
Details/maxDailyStarts Y Integer time in hours
Details/hotStartTime Y float time in hours
Details/intermediateStartTime Y float time in hours
Details /coldStartTime Y float time in hours
Details /hotToIntermediateTime Y float time in hours
Details / intermediateToColdTime Y float time in hours
Details /maxWeeklyStarts Y Integer
Details /maxWeeklyEnergy Y Integer max amount of energy a Resource is allowed to produce per week MWh value
Details /reason Y String text reason for changing parameters Description in plain text
Element Req? Datatype Description Values
mRID N String ERCOT assigned
externalId N String External ID QSE supplied
status N String Return status SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED, or ERRORS
Error/severity N String Error if any Error text
Error/area N String Error if any Error text
Error/interval N String Error if any Error text
Error/text N String Error if any Error text
resource Y String Resource name
normalRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateUp Y float MW/min
normalRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateDown Y float MW/min
normalRrCurve/rrPoint/breakPoint Y float
emergencyRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateUp Y float MW/min
emergencyRrCurve/rrPoint/rampRateDown Y float MW/min
emergencyRrCurve/rrPoint/breakPoint Y float
Details/minOnlineTime Y float time in hours
Details/minOfflineTime Y float time in hours
Details/maxOnlineTime Y float time in hours
Details/maxDailyStarts Y Integer time in hours
Details/hotStartTime Y float time in hours
Details/intermediateStartTime Y float time in hours
Details/coldStartTime Y float time in hours
Details/hotToIntermediateTime Y float time in hours
Details/intermediateToColdTime Y float time in hours
Details/maxWeeklyStarts Y Integer
Details/maxWeeklyEnergy Y Integer max amount of energy a Resource is allowed to produce per week MWh value
Details/reason Y String text reason for changing parameters Description in plain text
SOC/minSOC N Decimal Minimum state of charge MWh value
SOC/maxSOC N Decimal Maximum state of charge MWh value
SOC/roundTripEfficiency N float Round trip efficiency of ESR Percent value

The following is an XML example of a GenResourceParameters:

    <reason>QSE Update</reason>                               