Outage Creation
Outage Creation
The request message for outage creation or update would use the following message fields:
Message Element | Value |
Header/Verb | create |
Header/Noun | OutageSet |
Header/Source | Market participant ID |
Header/UserID | ID of user |
Payload | OutageSet |
The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:
Message Element | Value |
Header/Verb | reply |
Header/Noun | OutageSet |
Header/Source | ERCOT |
Reply/ReplyCode | Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL |
Reply/Error | Error message, if error encountered |
Payload | OutageSet |
An Outage Scheduler mRID is constructed and returned in the payload of the response (included in ResourceOutage or Equipment Outage) as part of the OutageSet structure in the following format
OutageIdent is assigned by Outage Scheduler Application.
The structure of the OutageSet payload is described by the following diagram. This leverages the structure of an Outage defined later in this section:
The high-level structure of an Outage record is described by the following diagram:
Within the OutageInfo substructure, the outage type, and state, status, and nature of work are identified.
Valid outage type codes include:
FR - Forced Outage
M1 - Maintenance Level 1
M2 - Maintenance Level 2
M3 - Maintenance Level 3
OP - Planned Outage Non-Reliability with Opportunity
PL - Planned Outage Reliability
RS - Forced Outage with Remedial Switching Action
SM - Simple Transmission Outage
UE - Forced Outage with Unavoidable Extension
FE - Forced Outage with Forced Extension
RO - Rescheduled Outage
The valid state codes include:
ENYS : Entered Not Yet Submitted
Recvd: Received at ERCOT
Study : Study
Rejct : Rejected
Accpt: Accepted
Apprv: Approved
Active: Active
AExt: Active Extension
PotOp: Potential Opportunity
Withd: Withdrawn
Cancl : Canceled
PComp: Pending Completion
ExpOp: Expired Opportunity
CompEd: Completed - Editable
CompNE: Completed - Not Editable
The valid status codes include:
ENYS: Entered Not Yet Submitted
RatE: Received at ERCOT
Accpt: Accepted
Apprv: Approved
Rejct: Rejected
Study: Selected for Study
Withd: Withdrawn
ExpOp: ExpiredOpportunity
Cancl: Canceled
The valid Nature of Work codes for Resource Outages include:
BS : Black Start Test
BO : Boroscope
CI : Combustion Inspection and Repair
CW : Cooling Water Problems/Repairs
EX : Exhaust Problems/Repairs
FW : Feedwater Problems/Repairs
FL : Fuel Limitation/Lack of Fuel Availability
FP : Fuel Problems/Repairs
GW : Gas Company Pipeline Work
IP : Inlet Air Problems/Repairs
LS : Lack of Steam Load Availability
MO : Mothballed
NE : New Equipment Energization
OT : Other
OV : Overhaul
OE : Retirement of Old Equipment
SE : Seasonal Resource
TW : Steam Turbine Limited/Unavailable Due to CT/GT Work
TL : Tube Leak
VR : Turbine/Generator Vibration/Repair
UN : Unknown
The valid Nature of Work codes for Transmission Outages include:
AO : Associated Equipment Outage
BM : Breaker Maintenance
BR : Breaker Repair/Replace
LM : Line Maintenance
LR : Line Rebuild/Upgrade
NE : New Equipment Energization
OT : Other
RW : Relay Work - See Notes
HS : Repair Hot Spot
DR : Repair/Replace Damaged Equipment
RE : Replace Equipment
OE : Retirement of Old Equipment
SM : Switch Maintenance
SR : Switch Repair/Replace
TC : Telcom Work
PR : Third Party Request
TM : Transformer Maintenance
TR : Transformer Repair/Replace
TT : Transformer Testing
UN : Unknown
As shown by the sub-structures, details are provided to reflect a resource outage or a transmission outage. For each resource, a name and resource type must be supplied. The resource is identified by its short name, and the resource type is one of ‘UN’, ‘LR’, ‘DGR’ or ‘DESR’. For each transmission equipment, a name and a transmission type must be supplied. The equipment is identified by its short name and the equipment type is one of ‘LN’, ‘DCLN’, ‘DSC’, ‘CB’, ‘XF’, ‘CP’, ‘SR’, ‘SVC’, ‘LD’, ‘SC’, ‘SCM’.
As shown by the sub-structures, details are provided to reflect a resource outage or a transmission outage. For each resource, a name and resource type must be supplied. The resource is identified by its short name, and the resource type is one of ‘UN’, ‘LR’, ‘DGR’, ‘DESR’ or ‘ESR’. For each transmission equipment, a name and a transmission type must be supplied. The equipment is identified by its short name and the equipment type is one of ‘LN’, ‘DCLN’, ‘DSC’, ‘CB’, ‘XF’, ‘CP’, ‘SR’, ‘SVC’, ‘LD’, ‘SC’, ‘SCM’.
Notes provided may be types as ‘General’, ‘Supporting’ or ‘RASPS’.
On submission, the following table describes the items used for an Outage creation:
Element Req? Data type Description Values OutageInfo/
outageTypeY string Type of Outage FR,M1,M2,M3,OP,PL, RS,SM,UE,FE, RO OutageInfo/
participantN string Outage Participant OutageInfo/
versionIdN string It is automatically generated by the system, it is used for keeping an audit trail of all changes made to an Outage. OutageInfo/
stateY string The State of the Outage, taken from ENYS, Recvd, Study, Rejct, Accpt, Apprv, Active, FExt, UExt, Withd, Cancl, ExpOp, CompEd, CompNE, PComp ENSYS,Recvd,Study,Rejctd Accptd,Active,FExt,UExt,Withdr Cancld,PComp,ExpOp,CompEd CompNE OutageInfo/
statusN string The Status of the Outage, taken from ENYS, RetE, Study, Rejct, Apprv, Accpt, Withd, Cancl, ExpOp. ENYS,RatE,Accpt,Apprv,Rejct, Study,Withd,Cancl,Pendg,Compl OutageInfo/
previousStateN string The previous value of the Outage State, used by the State Machine. ENSYS,Recvd,Study,Rejctd Accptd,Active,FExt,UExt,Withdr Cancld,PComp, ExpOp ,CompEd CompNE OutageInfo/
previousStatusN string The previous value of the Outage Status, used by the State Machine. ENYS,RatE,Accpt,Apprv,Rejct, Study,Withd,Cancl,Pendg,Compl OutageInfo/
lastModifiedByN string Creator or responsible for last update OutageInfo/
warningFlagN Boolean Warning Exists true/false OutageInfo/
warningAcknowledgeN Boolean Warning Acknowledge true/false OutageInfo/
warningMessageN string Warnings are part of the xml response. The message indicates the issue to be resolved, they are fixed messages with integrated variables for customizing the message for the Outage. The free-form text of the message. OutageInfo/
highImpactOutageN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage includes equipment on the High Impact Transmission Elements (HITE) list. Output only; Returned for single outages. For Group outages, see Group/GroupTransmissionOutage below. OutageInfo/
greater90DaysN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage is greater than 90 days in advance. Output only; Returned for single outages. For Group outages, see Group/GroupTransmissionOutage below. OutageInfo/
nameN string Contact name OutageInfo/
userFullNameY string Full name of requestor UserFullName is required on a Submit, Update and Cancel. Note: the element is defined as optional in the XSD. OutageInfo/
primaryContactN string Primary Contact phone no. OutageInfo/
SecondaryContactN string Secondary Contact Phone No. OutageInfo/
tertiaryContactN string Tertiary Contact Phone No. OutageInfo/
requestDateN date Request Date OutageInfo/
DisclaimerY String Outage disclaimer Free-form text OutageInfo/
disclaimerAckY Boolean Outage disclaimer acknowledge flag true/false Group/
groupIdN string This is the ability to group outages. A group outage has a Group ID. Each outage is still a separate outage with an outage ID as well. The Requestor can add to a group when creating the outage request. Once the outages have been submitted they can be removed from the group, creating an independent outage. Once the group has been submitted the requestor can’t add to it. The grouping will be used in the EMS-Outage Evaluation tool. Outage grouping name An Outage may be a member of an Outage Group. An Outage Group must have at least one and can have more than one Outage. groupId Pattern groupId will conform to the following three token pattern: <ShortName>.OTG.<groupId> groupId Example For example, the XML document may contain the following groupId value: <ns1:groupId>ShortName.OTG.1930</ns1:groupId> Cancel Outage Reference In this example, “1930” is the portion of the groupId token set that should be used when referring to this grouped outage in a cancel or get request. Group/
nameY string Outage Group Name Group/
operatingCompanyY string Group Resource Outage Operating Company Name Group/
stationY string Group Resource Outage Station Name Group/
equipmentNameY string This is the name of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Opportunity Outage. Group/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: {123AE789-4477-4A1B-8D09-E41615AF38EC} Group/
resourceTypeY string This is the type of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Opportunity Outage UN (Unit),LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR) Group/
HSLY Decimal Group Outage Resource HSL Group/
LSLY Decimal Group Outage Resource LSL Group/
mRIDN string Unique identifier for an outage. mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> Group/
natureOfWorkY string This is a description of the nature of the work to be performed during the Outage. The allowable values for this field are stated above. Group/
OperatingCompanyY string Group/
equipmentNameY string Group/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: Group/
transmissionTypeY string This is the type of Equipment subject to removal from service as a consequence of the Outage: e.g. CB, LINE, etc. Group/
fromStationY string The name of the “From” Station in which an Equipment resides for all lines. Group/
toStationN string The name of the “To” Station in which an Equipment resides for all lines. Group/
highImpactOutageN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage includes equipment on the High Impact Transmission Elements (HITE) list. Output only; Returned for group outages. For single outages, see OutageInfo above. Group/
greater90DaysN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage is greater than 90 days in advance. Output only; Returned for group outages. For single outages, see OutageInfo above. Group/
normalStateN string Equipment Normal State Output only Group/
outageStateN string This field, which is pertinent (and required) only for switching devices, contains the state of the device when taken out of service: OPEN or CLOSED. This field is the opposite of the Normal State of the Equipment entity. “C’,”O” or “” Group/
voltageN Decimal Equipment Outage Voltage Group/
projectNameN string Equipment Outage NOMCR Group/
emergencyRestorationTimeY string Eq. Outage Emer Restoration Time Group/
mRIDN string Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> Group/
natureOfWorkY string Eq. Outage Nature of Work Group/
daysN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of days. Positive no. Group/
hoursN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of hours Positive no. Group/
endY DateTime For Opportunity Outages, the outage end time Date Time Group/
equipmentNameY string This is the Resource name of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity Group/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: {123AE789-4477-4A1B-8D09-E41615AF38EC} Group/
resourceTypeY string This is the Resource type of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity UN (Unit),LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR) Group/
stationY string This is the station name of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity Group/
HSLY Decimal Group/
desgOutageIdentN string Designated Resource Outage Identifier corresponding to a valid TOO ( Transmission Opportunity Outage). Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response Group/
desgOutageStartN DateTime Designated Resource outage start dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response Group/
desgOutageEndN DateTime Designated Resource outage End dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response ResourceOutage/
operatingCompanyY string ResourceOutage/
stationY string This is the station name of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Outage. ResourceOutage/
equipmentNameY string This is the name of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Outage. ResourceOutage/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: ResourceOutage/
resourceTypeN string This is the type of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Outage. UN (Unit),LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR) ResourceOutage/
HSLY Decimal Resource Outage HSL ResourceOutage/
LSLY Decimal Resource Outage LSL ResourceOutage/
mRIDN string Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> ResourceOutage/
natureOfWorkY string Resource Outage Nature of Work. . The allowable values for this field are stated above. TransmissionOutage/
operatingCompanyY string TransmissionOutage/
equipmentTypeN string Allowed values for Transmission equipment types as stated above. TransmissionOutage/
equipmentNameY string The name of the Equipment that can be the subject of an Outage. TransmissionOutage/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: _{123AE789-4477-4A1B-8D09-E41615AF38EC} TransmissionOutage/
transmissionTypeY string The Type of the Transmission Equipment that can be the subject of an Outage. TransmissionOutage/
fromStationY string This is the name of the Station in which an Equipment resides for all equipment types other than lines. For lines this refers to the “From” station TransmissionOutage/
toStationN string This is the name of the “To” Station in which an Equipment resides for all lines. TransmissionOutage/
normalStateN string This field, which is pertinent only for switching devices, contains the normal state of the device: OPEN or CLOSED. This field is the same as the Normal State of the Equipment entity. Output only TransmissionOutage/
outageStateN string This field, which is pertinent (and required) only for switching devices, contains the state of the device when taken out of service: OPEN or CLOSED. This field is the opposite of the Normal State of the Equipment entity. “C’,”O” or “” TransmissionOutage/
voltageN Decimal The voltage level at which the Equipment resides. For transformers it is the high side voltage level. TransmissionOutage/
projectNameN String TransmissionOutage/
emergencyRestorationTimeY positiveInteger This is the time in hours necessary to terminate the Outage and return the Equipment to service. TransmissionOutage/
mRIDN string Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> TransmissionOutage/
natureOfWorkY string TransmissionOutage/
daysN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of days. Positive no. TransmissionOutage/
hoursN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of hours Positive no. TransmissionOutage/
opportunityEndY DateTime For Opportunity Outages, the outage end time Date Time TransmissionOutage/
equipmentNameY string This is the Resource name of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity TransmissionOutage/
equipmentIdentifierY String TransmissionOutage/
resourceTypeY String This is the Resource type of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity UN (Unit) or LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR) TransmissionOutage/
stationY String TransmissionOutage/
HSLY Decimal TransmissionOutage/
desgOutageIdentN String Designated Resource Outage Identifier corresponding to a valid TOO ( Transmission Opportunity Outage). Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response TransmissionOutage/
desgOutageStartN dateTime Designated Resource outage start dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response TransmissionOutage/
desgOutageEndN dateTime Designated Resource outage End dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response Schedule/
plannedSartN dateTime This is the date/time at which the Outage is planned to start.
- Forced (Transmission and Resource) - Forced outages don’t have a Planned Start when created
- Transmission Opportunity outages (TOO). TOO’s doesn’t have a Planned Start or a Planned End when created
plannedEndN dateTime This is the date/time at which the Outage is planned to end. Schedule/
earliestStartN dateTime This is the earliest date/time at which the Outage may start. Schedule/
latestEndN dateTime This is the latest date/time at which the Outage may end. Schedule/
actualStartN dateTime This is the actual date/time at which the Outage started. Schedule/
actualEndN dateTime This is the actual date/time at which the Outage ended. Schedule/
new_plannedStartN dateTime This is the proposed date/time at which an Unavoidable Extension may start. Schedule/
new_plannedEndN dateTime This is the proposed date/time at which an Unavoidable Extension may end. Schedule/
new_earliestStartN dateTime This is the proposed earliest date/time at which a Resource Opportunity Outage may start. Schedule/
new_latestEndN dateTime This is the proposed latest date/time at which a Resource Opportunity Outage may end. Recurrence/
mRIDN String Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> Recurrence/
plannedStartY Date Planned start date of outage recurrence Recurrence/
plannedEndY Date Planned End date of outage recurrence Recurrence/
earliestStartY Date Earliest start date of outage recurrence Recurrence/
latestEndY Date Latest Planned End date of outage recurrence OSNotes/
createdTimeY string There are three sections that the requestor can enter notes, Requestor Notes, Supporting Information, and Remedial Action or Special Protection System notes. Notes are required for some outage types but not all. They are not required when the outage is submitted but are required for some outages to be completed. There is another section for reviewer notes. This is for ERCOT to enter notes and the MP can only read them. OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string OSNotes/
createdTimeY string OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string OSNotes/
createdTimeY string OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string OSNotes/
createdTimeY string OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string Error/
severityN string Severity of Error Generated Error/
areaN string Area of generated error Error/
intervalN string Error/
textY string Error Text
Element Req? Data type Description Values OutageInfo/
outageTypeY string Type of Outage FR,M1,M2,M3,OP,PL, RS,SM,UE,FE, RO OutageInfo/
participantN string Outage Participant OutageInfo/
versionIdN string It is automatically generated by the system, it is used for keeping an audit trail of all changes made to an Outage. OutageInfo/
stateY string The State of the Outage, taken from ENYS, Recvd, Study, Rejct, Accpt, Apprv, Active, FExt, UExt, Withd, Cancl, ExpOp, CompEd, CompNE, PComp ENSYS,Recvd,Study,Rejctd Accptd,Active,FExt,UExt,Withdr Cancld,PComp,ExpOp,CompEd CompNE OutageInfo/
statusN string The Status of the Outage, taken from ENYS, RetE, Study, Rejct, Apprv, Accpt, Withd, Cancl, ExpOp. ENYS,RatE,Accpt,Apprv,Rejct, Study,Withd,Cancl,Pendg,Compl OutageInfo/
previousStateN string The previous value of the Outage State, used by the State Machine. ENSYS,Recvd,Study,Rejctd Accptd,Active,FExt,UExt,Withdr Cancld,PComp, ExpOp ,CompEd CompNE OutageInfo/
previousStatusN string The previous value of the Outage Status, used by the State Machine. ENYS,RatE,Accpt,Apprv,Rejct, Study,Withd,Cancl,Pendg,Compl OutageInfo/
lastModifiedByN string Creator or responsible for last update OutageInfo/
warningFlagN Boolean Warning Exists true/false OutageInfo/
warningAcknowledgeN Boolean Warning Acknowledge true/false OutageInfo/
warningMessageN string Warnings are part of the xml response. The message indicates the issue to be resolved, they are fixed messages with integrated variables for customizing the message for the Outage. The free-form text of the message. OutageInfo/
highImpactOutageN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage includes equipment on the High Impact Transmission Elements (HITE) list. Output only; Returned for single outages. For Group outages, see Group/GroupTransmissionOutage below. OutageInfo/
greater90DaysN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage is greater than 90 days in advance. Output only; Returned for single outages. For Group outages, see Group/GroupTransmissionOutage below. OutageInfo/
nameN string Contact name OutageInfo/
userFullNameY string Full name of requestor UserFullName is required on a Submit, Update and Cancel. Note: the element is defined as optional in the XSD. OutageInfo/
primaryContactN string Primary Contact phone no. OutageInfo/
SecondaryContactN string Secondary Contact Phone No. OutageInfo/
tertiaryContactN string Tertiary Contact Phone No. OutageInfo/
requestDateN date Request Date OutageInfo/
DisclaimerY String Outage disclaimer Free-form text OutageInfo/
disclaimerAckY Boolean Outage disclaimer acknowledge flag true/false Group/
groupIdN string This is the ability to group outages. A group outage has a Group ID. Each outage is still a separate outage with an outage ID as well. The Requestor can add to a group when creating the outage request. Once the outages have been submitted they can be removed from the group, creating an independent outage. Once the group has been submitted the requestor can’t add to it. The grouping will be used in the EMS-Outage Evaluation tool. Outage grouping name An Outage may be a member of an Outage Group. An Outage Group must have at least one and can have more than one Outage. groupId Pattern groupId will conform to the following three token pattern: <ShortName>.OTG.<groupId> groupId Example For example, the XML document may contain the following groupId value: <ns1:groupId>ShortName.OTG.1930</ns1:groupId> Cancel Outage Reference In this example, “1930” is the portion of the groupId token set that should be used when referring to this grouped outage in a cancel or get request. Group/
nameY string Outage Group Name Group/
operatingCompanyY string Group Resource Outage Operating Company Name Group/
stationY string Group Resource Outage Station Name Group/
equipmentNameY string This is the name of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Opportunity Outage. Group/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: {123AE789-4477-4A1B-8D09-E41615AF38EC} Group/
resourceTypeY string This is the type of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Opportunity Outage UN (Unit),LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR), Energy Storage Resource (ESR) Group/
HSLY Decimal Group Outage Resource HSL Group/
LSLY Decimal Group Outage Resource LSL Group/
mRIDN string Unique identifier for an outage. mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> Group/
natureOfWorkY string This is a description of the nature of the work to be performed during the Outage. The allowable values for this field are stated above. Group/
OperatingCompanyY string Group/
equipmentNameY string Group/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: Group/
transmissionTypeY string This is the type of Equipment subject to removal from service as a consequence of the Outage: e.g. CB, LINE, etc. Group/
fromStationY string The name of the “From” Station in which an Equipment resides for all lines. Group/
toStationN string The name of the “To” Station in which an Equipment resides for all lines. Group/
highImpactOutageN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage includes equipment on the High Impact Transmission Elements (HITE) list. Output only; Returned for group outages. For single outages, see OutageInfo above. Group/
greater90DaysN boolean A Boolean indicating if the Outage is greater than 90 days in advance. Output only; Returned for group outages. For single outages, see OutageInfo above. Group/
normalStateN string Equipment Normal State Output only Group/
outageStateN string This field, which is pertinent (and required) only for switching devices, contains the state of the device when taken out of service: OPEN or CLOSED. This field is the opposite of the Normal State of the Equipment entity. “C’,”O” or “” Group/
voltageN Decimal Equipment Outage Voltage Group/
projectNameN string Equipment Outage NOMCR Group/
emergencyRestorationTimeY string Eq. Outage Emer Restoration Time Group/
mRIDN string Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> Group/
natureOfWorkY string Eq. Outage Nature of Work Group/
daysN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of days. Positive no. Group/
hoursN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of hours Positive no. Group/
endY DateTime For Opportunity Outages, the outage end time Date Time Group/
equipmentNameY string This is the Resource name of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity Group/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: {123AE789-4477-4A1B-8D09-E41615AF38EC} Group/
resourceTypeY string This is the Resource type of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity UN (Unit),LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR), Energy Storage Resource (ESR) Group/
stationY string This is the station name of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity Group/
HSLY Decimal Group/
desgOutageIdentN string Designated Resource Outage Identifier corresponding to a valid TOO ( Transmission Opportunity Outage). Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response Group/
desgOutageStartN DateTime Designated Resource outage start dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response Group/
desgOutageEndN DateTime Designated Resource outage End dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response ResourceOutage/
operatingCompanyY string ResourceOutage/
stationY string This is the station name of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Outage. ResourceOutage/
equipmentNameY string This is the name of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Outage. ResourceOutage/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: ResourceOutage/
resourceTypeN string This is the type of a Resource that is a Designated Resource for this Outage. UN (Unit),LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR), Energy Storage Resource (ESR) ResourceOutage/
HSLY Decimal Resource Outage HSL ResourceOutage/
LSLY Decimal Resource Outage LSL ResourceOutage/
mRIDN string Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> ResourceOutage/
natureOfWorkY string Resource Outage Nature of Work. . The allowable values for this field are stated above. TransmissionOutage/
operatingCompanyY string TransmissionOutage/
equipmentTypeN string Allowed values for Transmission equipment types as stated above. TransmissionOutage/
equipmentNameY string The name of the Equipment that can be the subject of an Outage. TransmissionOutage/
equipmentIdentifierY string RDFID used for uniquely identifying equipment Example: _{123AE789-4477-4A1B-8D09-E41615AF38EC} TransmissionOutage/
transmissionTypeY string The Type of the Transmission Equipment that can be the subject of an Outage. TransmissionOutage/
fromStationY string This is the name of the Station in which an Equipment resides for all equipment types other than lines. For lines this refers to the “From” station TransmissionOutage/
toStationN string This is the name of the “To” Station in which an Equipment resides for all lines. TransmissionOutage/
normalStateN string This field, which is pertinent only for switching devices, contains the normal state of the device: OPEN or CLOSED. This field is the same as the Normal State of the Equipment entity. Output only TransmissionOutage/
outageStateN string This field, which is pertinent (and required) only for switching devices, contains the state of the device when taken out of service: OPEN or CLOSED. This field is the opposite of the Normal State of the Equipment entity. “C’,”O” or “” TransmissionOutage/
voltageN Decimal The voltage level at which the Equipment resides. For transformers it is the high side voltage level. TransmissionOutage/
projectNameN String TransmissionOutage/
emergencyRestorationTimeY positiveInteger This is the time in hours necessary to terminate the Outage and return the Equipment to service. TransmissionOutage/
mRIDN string Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> TransmissionOutage/
natureOfWorkY string TransmissionOutage/
daysN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of days. Positive no. TransmissionOutage/
hoursN unsigned Byte For Opportunity Outages, the outage no. of hours Positive no. TransmissionOutage/
opportunityEndY DateTime For Opportunity Outages, the outage end time Date Time TransmissionOutage/
equipmentNameY string This is the Resource name of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity TransmissionOutage/
equipmentIdentifierY String TransmissionOutage/
resourceTypeY String This is the Resource type of a Resource that has been designated to an Opportunity UN (Unit) or LR (Load Resource), Distribution Generation Resource (DGR) and Distribution Energy Storage Resource (DESR), Energy Storage Resource (ESR) TransmissionOutage/
stationY String TransmissionOutage/
HSLY Decimal TransmissionOutage/
desgOutageIdentN String Designated Resource Outage Identifier corresponding to a valid TOO ( Transmission Opportunity Outage). Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response TransmissionOutage/
desgOutageStartN dateTime Designated Resource outage start dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response TransmissionOutage/
desgOutageEndN dateTime Designated Resource outage End dateTime Not required for outage create transaction. Outage Schedule will populate this field in OS query response Schedule/
plannedSartN dateTime This is the date/time at which the Outage is planned to start.
- Forced (Transmission and Resource) - Forced outages don’t have a Planned Start when created
- Transmission Opportunity outages (TOO). TOO’s doesn’t have a Planned Start or a Planned End when created
plannedEndN dateTime This is the date/time at which the Outage is planned to end. Schedule/
earliestStartN dateTime This is the earliest date/time at which the Outage may start. Schedule/
latestEndN dateTime This is the latest date/time at which the Outage may end. Schedule/
actualStartN dateTime This is the actual date/time at which the Outage started. Schedule/
actualEndN dateTime This is the actual date/time at which the Outage ended. Schedule/
new_plannedStartN dateTime This is the proposed date/time at which an Unavoidable Extension may start. Schedule/
new_plannedEndN dateTime This is the proposed date/time at which an Unavoidable Extension may end. Schedule/
new_earliestStartN dateTime This is the proposed earliest date/time at which a Resource Opportunity Outage may start. Schedule/
new_latestEndN dateTime This is the proposed latest date/time at which a Resource Opportunity Outage may end. Recurrence/
mRIDN String Outage Identity mRID is in the format of <QSEID>.OTG.<outageType>.<outageCategory>.<outageIdent> Recurrence/
plannedStartY Date Planned start date of outage recurrence Recurrence/
plannedEndY Date Planned End date of outage recurrence Recurrence/
earliestStartY Date Earliest start date of outage recurrence Recurrence/
latestEndY Date Latest Planned End date of outage recurrence OSNotes/
createdTimeY string There are three sections that the requestor can enter notes, Requestor Notes, Supporting Information, and Remedial Action or Special Protection System notes. Notes are required for some outage types but not all. They are not required when the outage is submitted but are required for some outages to be completed. There is another section for reviewer notes. This is for ERCOT to enter notes and the MP can only read them. OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string OSNotes/
createdTimeY string OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string OSNotes/
createdTimeY string OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string OSNotes/
createdTimeY string OSNotes/
createdByY string OSNotes/
companyY string OSNotes/
commentY string Error/
severityN string Severity of Error Generated Error/
areaN string Area of generated error Error/
intervalN string Error/
textY string Error Text
The following is an example of an OutageSet submission by a Market Participant:
<ns2:OutageSet xmlns="http://www.ercot.com/schema/2007-06/nodal/ews" xmlns:ns2="http://www.ercot.com/schema/2007-06/nodal/ews">
<ns2:userFullName>Alex Smith</ns2:userFullName>
<ns2:Disclaimer>temp disclaimer</ns2:Disclaimer>
<ns2:comment>temp comment</ns2:comment>
The following is an example response message for the above request:
<ns1:OutageSet xmlns:ns0="http://www.ercot.com/schema/2007-05/nodal/eip/il"
<ns1:userFullName>Alex Smith</ns1:userFullName>
<ns1:equipmentName> ABC_123</ns1:equipmentName>
<ns1:comment>temp comment</ns1:comment>
The following is an example of a Group OutageSet Submission by a Market Participant:
<OutageSet xmlns="http://www.ercot.com/schema/2007-06/nodal/ews"
<userFullName>Alex Smith</userFullName>
<Disclaimer>Temp Disclaimer</Disclaimer>
The following is an example response message for the above request:
<ns1:OutageSet xmlns:ns0="http://www.ercot.com/schema/2007-05/nodal/eip/il" xmlns:ns1="http://www.ercot.com/schema/2007-06/nodal/ews">
<ns1:userFullName>Alex Smith</ns1:userFullName>