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MMS System Generated Notices

MMS System-Generated Notices

The following notices are Market Management System (MMS) system-generated and will display on the MMS market-facing user interface on the notices page as well as on the MIS website’s Notices page. Additionally these events are sent out asynchronously to the Market Participants Listeners.

In addition to the protocol-required notices, the MMS system generates some additional notices that are documented below.

The asynchronous outgoing notification alerts will have the following verb/noun combination:

  • verb=created

  • noun=Alert

# Alert Text Description Type + Report Priority Audience
1 CM-ASCK-FAIL AS Responsibility Check failed for Trade Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, Delivery Hour: <HH> for AS Type: <AS_TYPE>. The Total COP is <XX> MW and the AS Difference = <XX> MW ERCOT shall notify the QSE if the sum of the Ancillary Service capacity designated in the COP for each hour, by service type) is less than the QSE's Ancillary Service Supply Responsibility for each service type for that hour. If the QSE does not correct the deficiency within one hour after receiving the notice from ERCOT, then ERCOT shall follow the procedures outlined in Section, Evaluation, and Maintenance of Ancillary Service Capacity Sufficiency. COP Warning High A QSE
2 DRUC-AWD-RPT Reports on DRUC Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

HRUC-AWD-RPT Reports on HRUC Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> hr <XX> are available.
ERCOT shall review the RUC-recommended Resource commitments to assess feasibility and shall make any changes that it considers necessary, in its sole discretion. ERCOT shall notify each QSE which of its Resources have been committed as a result of the RUC process. RUC Commitment Noun: StartupShutdownInstructions
Synch : 4.3.27
Async: 5.3.13
3 DAM-ASOBL-RPT Reports on AS obligation for operating day <MM/DD/YYYY> are available By 0600 of the Day-Ahead, ERCOT shall notify each QSE of its Ancillary Service Obligation for each service and for each hour of the Operating Day QSE Data Available
Noun: ASObligations
Synch: 4.3.15
Async: 5.3.11
4 CM-CAPTRD-NOTF Capacity Trade <Submission/Cancel> update by <PARTICIPANT_NAME>: Confirmed: <NO/YES>, for Trade Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, Buyer:<PARTICIPANT_NAME, Seller:<PARTICIPANT_NAME> When a Capacity Trade is reported to ERCOT, ERCOT shall notify the counterparty to the trade. Reported Trade

None: Confirmed and Unconfirmed Trades
Synch: 4.3.46,47
Async: 5.3.4
High counterparty to the trade.
5 CM-ENGTRD-NOTF Energy Trade <Submission/Cancel> update by <PARTICIPANT_NAME>: Confirmed: <NO/YES>, for Trade Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, Buyer:<PARTICIPANT_NAME, Seller:<PARTICIPANT_NAME>, Settlement Point: <SETTLEMENT_POINT> When an Energy Trade is reported to ERCOT, ERCOT shall notify the counterparty to the trade. Reported Trade

Noun: Confirmed and Unconfirmed Trades
Synch: 4.3.46,47
Async: 5.3.4
High counterparty to the trade.
6 CM-ASTRD-NOTF AS <AS_TYPE> Trade <Submission/Cancel> update by <PARTICIPANT_NAME>: Confirmed: <NO/YES>, for Trade Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, Buyer:<PARTICIPANT_NAME>,Seller:<PARTICPANT_NAME> When an Ancillary Service Trade is reported to ERCOT, ERCOT shall notify the counterparty to the trade. Reported Trade

Noun: Confirmed and Unconfirmed Trades
Synch 4.3.46,47
Async: 5.3.4
High counterparty to the trade.
7 SCED-ADJPER-FAIL End of Adjustment Period: Output Schedule Validation FAILED for Hour:<HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>,. Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. If a valid Energy Offer Curve or an Output Schedule does not exist for a Resource that has a status of On-Line at the end of the Adjustment Period, then ERCOT shall notify the QSE and set the Output Schedule equal to the then current telemetered output of the Resource until an Output Schedule or Energy Offer Curve is submitted in a subsequent Adjustment Period. Submission Warning Med A QSE

DAM-ASAWD-RPT Reports on AS Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-TPAWD-RPT Reports on 3Part Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-ENGYAWD-RPT Reports on Energy Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-CRRAWD-RPT Reports on CRR Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-PTPAWD-RPT Reports on PTP Obligation Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.
Cleared DAM transaction (e.g., the buyer and the seller) of the results of the DAM:

  • Awarded Ancillary Service Offers, specifying Resource, MW, Ancillary Service Type, and price, for each hour of the awarded offer;
  • Awarded energy offers from Three-Part Supply Offers and from DAM Energy-Only Offers, specifying Resource (except for DAM Energy-Only Offers), MWh, Settlement Point, and Settlement Point Price, for each hour of the awarded offer;
  • Awarded DAM Energy Bids, specifying MWh, Settlement Point, and Settlement Point Price for each hour of the awarded bid;
  • Awarded CRR Offers (PTP Options and PTP Options with Refund), specifying CRR identifier(s), number of CRRs in MW, source and sink Settlement Points, and price, for each Settlement Interval of the awarded offer; and
  • Awarded PTP Obligation Bids, number of PTP Obligations in MW, source and sink Settlement Points, and price for each Settlement Interval of the awarded bid.
QSE Data Available

Synch: 4.3.1- 4.3.7
Async: 5.3.5 - 5.3.11
9 SCED-TWOHR-FAIL Two Hour Notification: Check FAILED due to missing Output Schedules/Energy Offer Curves for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>

SCED-TWOHR-FAIL Two Hour Notification: Output Schedule Validation FAILED for Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>. Please find the details in the report MP_S_OUTSCHED_TwoHrNotif_<HH>.
Notify the QSE that an Energy Offer Curve or Output Schedule has not yet been submitted for a Resource as a reminder that one of the two must be submitted by the end of the Adjustment Period Submission Warning Med A QSE
10 SCED-TELOS-NOTF Telemetered Output Schedule Notification: Output Schedule for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME> If a valid Output Schedule does not exist for a Resource that has a status of On-Line Dynamically Scheduled Resource at the time of SCED execution, then ERCOT shall notify the QSE and set the Output Schedule equal to the telemetered output of the Resource until a revised Output Schedule is validated. Submission Warning Med A QSE
11 CM-CONSCK-FAIL Consistency Check for Resource Status failed for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Operating Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> , Operating Hour: <HH>, Cop Status: <COP_STATUS>, Telemetered Status: <TEL_STATUS> Five minutes before the end of each hour, ERCOT shall identify inconsistencies between the telemetered Resource Status and the Resource Status stated in the COP for that Resource in the next hour. On detecting an inconsistency, ERCOT shall provide a notice of inconsistent Resource Status to the QSE using the Messaging System COP Warning Med A QSE
12 SASM-STDYPER-NOTF SASM study period for SASM ID <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS> set from <MM/DD> hour <HH> to <MM/DD> hour <HH>. Market Message Low All QSEs
13 SASM-ASOBL-RPT Reports on SASM Obligation for SASM ID <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS> from operating date <MM/DD> hour <HH> through operating date <MM/DD> hour <HH> are available. Notify QSEs of any additional Ancillary Service Obligation, allocated to each LSE and aggregated to the QSE level. Market Message

Noun: ASObligations
Synch: 4.3.15
Async: 5.3.11
14 SASM-OPEN-NOTF SASM has opened for SASM ID <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS> for Self AS submission. SASM will close at <HH:MM>. Notify all QSEs of intent to procure additional Ancillary Services. Market Message Low All QSEs
15 SASM-ASAWD-RPT Reports on SASM Awards for SASM ID <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS> from operating date <MM/DD> hour <HH> through operating date <MM/DD/HH> are available. Notify each QSE of its awarded Ancillary Service Offer quantities in each SASM, specifying Resource, Ancillary Service type, SASM MCPC, and first and last hours of the awarded offer. Market Message

Noun: AwardedAS
Synch: 4.3.2
Async: 5.3.8
Low All QSEs
16 SASM-ASMCPC-RPT Reports for SASM AS MCPC for SASM ID <YYYYMMDDHHMMSS> from operating date <MM/DD> hour <HH> through operating date <MM/DD/HH> are available. Notify QSEs that SASM MCPC reports are available QSE Data Available Low All QSEs
17 DAM-ASINSUFF-NOTF Due to AS Insufficiency, DAM market for <MM/DD/YYYY> has reopened for AS offer resubmission. The DAM market will close today at <HH:MM>. ERCOT shall declare an Ancillary Service insufficiency and issue an Alert under Section, Alert. Watch High All QSEs
18 DAM-CLOSE-NOTF DAM has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> Notify QSEs that the DAM has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
19 DAM-RECLOSE-NOTF DAM has closed due to AS Insufficiency for <MM/DD/YYYY>. Notify QSEs that the DAM has closed again after reopening for AS insufficiency. Market Message Low All QSEs
20 CM-OPHRCLOSE-NOTF Market has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> hr <HH>. Notify QSEs that the Market has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
21 CM-MKTOPEN-NOTF Market has opened for <MM/DD/YYYY>. Notify QSEs that the Market has opened Market Message Low All QSEs
22 CM-ADJOPEN-NOTF Adjustment window has opened for <MM/DD/YYYY>. Notify QSEs that the adjustment window has opened Market Message Low All QSEs
23 CM-ADJCLOSE-NOTF Adjustment window has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> hr <HH>. Notify QSEs that the adjustment window has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
24 DAM-P2VAL-NOTF Phase2 Validation has completed for the date: <MM/DD/YYYY> Notify QSEs that the Phase 2 validation (for credit validation, etc) has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
25 DAM-P2VAL-ERR Phase2 Validation has failed for the date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, type: <DATA_TYPE>. Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. Notify QSEs that the Phase 2 validation has failed. Market Message

Noun: NONE
Synch: none
Async: none
26 DAM-ASINSUFF-RPT Reports on AS Insufficiency for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available. Notify QSEs that AS Insufficiency reports are available QSE Data Available

Noun: InsufficiencyReport
Synch: 4.3.46
Async: 5.3.15
Low All QSEs
27 DAM-ASMCPC-RPT Reports on AS MCPC for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available. Notify QSEs that AS MCPC reports are available QSE Data Available

Noun: MCPCs
Synch: 4.3.12 Async: none
Low All QSEs
28 SASM-CLOSE-NOTF SASM has closed for Self AS submission. Notify QSEs that SASM has closed for AS submission Market Message Low All QSEs
29 CM-COPCK-NOTF Cop Update Check failed for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Operating Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> , Operating Hour: <HH>, Cop Status: <XX> Notify QSEs who do not have complete COPs for all hours of the current operating day and the following day COP Warning Med A QSE
30 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: Non-Spin, RES_NAME: , DEPLOY_MW: , BEGIN_TIME: , END_TIME: , DURATION: Hrs Mins., ID: ; Notify QSE of AS deployment/recall for Non-Spin for a specific resource Operational Information High A QSE
31 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: Non-Spin, DEPLOY_MW: , BEGIN_TIME: , END_TIME: , DURATION: Hrs Mins; Notify QSEs of AS deployment Summary for Non-Spin Operational Information High All QSEs
32 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: , RES_NAME: , DEPLOY_MW: , BEGIN_TIME: , END_TIME: , DURATION: Hrs Mins., ID: ; Notify QSEs of AS deployment/recall for ECRS, UFR or FFR for a specific resource Market Message High A QSE
33 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: ERS, QSE_NAME: , RAMP_TYPE: <10/30> , GROUP_NUMBER: , GROUP_TYPE: , WS_TYPE: , DEPLOY_MW: , BUSINESS_HOUR: , BEGIN_TIME: ; Notify QSE of AS deployment for ERS Market Message High A QSE
34 CM-ASM-NOTF ERCOT Emergency Response <Service-10/Service-30> is Being <Deployed/ Recalled> ERS Recall and Deployment messages Operational Information High All QSEs
35 CM-VDI-NOTF Verbal Dispatch Instructions for acknowledgement have been sent for the Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME> Confirm with a QSE that VDIs were sent for a resource Market Message Low A QSE
36 CM-SWCAP-NOTF SWCAP has been changed for AS/ENGY to <XXXX.XX> Notify QSEs that the system-wide offer cap has changed for AS, Energy, or both. Market Message High All QSEs
37 CM-COPVAL-NOTF For CC Unit: UNIT_NAME, there are two or more modes online for Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> MMS hourly process that checks the COP for combined cycle configurations and will issue warning messages sent to the QSE if two or more configurations are marked as online in any one of the remaining hours of today and all the hours for tomorrow. Market Message High A QSEs
38 CM-COPVAL-NOTF For resource: <RESOURCE_NAME> the COP Status does not match with the other jointly owned units belonging to Physical <RESOURCE_NAME> for Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> for one or more hours MMS hourly process that issues warning messages to QSEs if two or more jointly owned units belonging to the same physical resource do not have the same Resource Status in the COP for any of the remaining hours of today and all the hours of tomorrow. Market Message High A QSE
39 SCED-ADJPER-WARN End of Adjustment Period: Reported warning(s) for Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. MMS hourly process that checks for Output Schedule ramp rate and HSL/LSL violations for the hour interval that is at the end of the Adjustment Period. Submission Warning Med A QSE
40 SCED-TWOHR-WARN Two Hour Notification: Reported warning(s) for Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. MMS hourly process that checks for Output Schedule ramp rate and HSL/LSL violations for the hour interval two hours from current time. Submission Warning Med A QSE
41 CM-ASUND-FAIL-NOTF AS Undeliverable for: <raic_resource_name> on trade date: <tradedate> at delivery time <delivery_hour, <HH>24:<delivery_min> for AS Type: <as_type>, RUC Type: <ruc_type>, Violated MW: <violated_mw> [of <cop_as_mw>]. Notify QSE Submission Warning Med A QSE
42 DRUC-CLOSE-NOTF DRUC has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> Notify QSEs that the DRUC has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
43 DAM-DSRLDTEL-NOTF DSR Load Telemetry Notification: DSR Load Telemetry is lost for more than <MIN> mins Notify QSE that their DSR Load signal has been lost, which results in suspension of DSR output schedule validation. (This alert will be generated as often as every 5 minutes). Submission Warning Med A QSE
44 WRUC-COMP-NOTF WRUC has completed for mm/dd/yyyy. Notify QSEs that the WRUC has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
SCED has completed for MM/DD/YYYY HH<24>:MI:SS.
Notify QSEs that SCED has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
46 PRC_CORR_SCED Notify QSEs that SCED price corrections are available. Market Message Low All QSEs
47 PRC_CORR_DAM Notify QSEs that DAM price corrections are available. Market Message Low All QSEs
48 PRC_CORR_SASM Notify QSEs that SASM price corrections are available. Market Message Low All QSEs
49 RTD-COMP-NOTF RTD has completed for MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS Notify QSEs that an RTD run has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
50 ETAG-NOTF DC Tie e-Tag <NERC_TAG> for DC Tie <DC_TIE_NAME> on <DELIVERY_DATE> with a total flow of <QTY> MWhs was processed by ERCOT for <QSE> whose PSE is <PSE>. Certified Notice to QSE when a confirmed e-Tag is downloaded, cancelled, or curtailed by ERCOT’s systems. Market Message Low All QSEs
51 CM-COP-UPD-NOTF COP HSL for <GEN_RES> on trade date <MM/DD/YYYY> hour <HR> has been updated to <VALUE> Notify QSE when a WGR’s or PVGR’s COP HSL value is updated with the forecast value. Market Message Med A QSE
52 CM-SCED-NOTIF   <resource_name> status <original_status> overridden to <new_status>, SCED at  <YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS> Notify a QSE whose resource status has been overwritten by SCED. Market Message Med A QSE
53 CM-SCED-NOTIF <resource_name> buyback status: <Y or N>, set by SCED <YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS> Notify a QSE of the BUYBACK status of the RUC block once SCED sets the BUYBACK_FLAG (Y or N) for the RUC block. Market Message Med A QSE
54 CM-VDI-NOTIF Verbal Dispatch Instructions for FFSS have been sent for Resource <resource_name> with deployed MW of <QTY>, Initiation Time <MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS>,  Completion Time is <NULL or MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS> Confirm with a QSE that FFSS VDIs were sent for a resource Market Message Med A QSE

# Alert Text Description Type + Report Priority Audience
1 DRUC-AWD-RPT Reports on DRUC Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

HRUC-AWD-RPT Reports on HRUC Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> hr <XX> are available.
ERCOT shall review the RUC-recommended Resource commitments to assess feasibility and shall make any changes that it considers necessary, in its sole discretion. ERCOT shall notify each QSE which of its Resources have been committed as a result of the RUC process. RUC Commitment Noun: StartupShutdownInstructions
Synch : 4.3.27
Async: 5.3.13
2 DAM-ASOBL-RPT Reports on AS obligation for operating day <MM/DD/YYYY> are available By 0600 of the Day-Ahead, ERCOT shall notify each QSE of its Ancillary Service Obligation for each service and for each hour of the Operating Day QSE Data Available
Noun: ASObligations
Synch: 4.3.15
Async: 5.3.11
3 CM-CAPTRD-NOTF Capacity Trade <Submission/Cancel> update by <PARTICIPANT_NAME>: Confirmed: <NO/YES>, for Trade Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, Buyer:<PARTICIPANT_NAME, Seller:<PARTICIPANT_NAME> When a Capacity Trade is reported to ERCOT, ERCOT shall notify the counterparty to the trade. Reported Trade

None: Confirmed and Unconfirmed Trades
Synch: 4.3.46,47
Async: 5.3.4
High counterparty to the trade.
4 CM-ENGTRD-NOTF Energy Trade <Submission/Cancel> update by <PARTICIPANT_NAME>: Confirmed: <NO/YES>, for Trade Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, Buyer:<PARTICIPANT_NAME, Seller:<PARTICIPANT_NAME>, Settlement Point: <SETTLEMENT_POINT> When an Energy Trade is reported to ERCOT, ERCOT shall notify the counterparty to the trade. Reported Trade

Noun: Confirmed and Unconfirmed Trades
Synch: 4.3.46,47
Async: 5.3.4
High counterparty to the trade.
5 CM-ASTRD-NOTF AS <AS_TYPE> Trade <Submission/Cancel> update by <PARTICIPANT_NAME>: Confirmed: <NO/YES>, for Trade Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, Buyer:<PARTICIPANT_NAME>,Seller:<PARTICPANT_NAME> When an Ancillary Service Trade is reported to ERCOT, ERCOT shall notify the counterparty to the trade. Reported Trade

Noun: Confirmed and Unconfirmed Trades
Synch 4.3.46,47
Async: 5.3.4
High counterparty to the trade.
6 SCED-ADJPER-FAIL End of Adjustment Period: Output Schedule Validation FAILED for Hour:<HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>,. Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. If a valid Energy Offer Curve or an Output Schedule does not exist for a Resource that has a status of On-Line at the end of the Adjustment Period, then ERCOT shall notify the QSE and set the Output Schedule equal to the then current telemetered output of the Resource until an Output Schedule or Energy Offer Curve is submitted in a subsequent Adjustment Period. Submission Warning Med A QSE

DAM-ASAWD-RPT Reports on AS Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-TPAWD-RPT Reports on 3Part Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-ENGYAWD-RPT Reports on Energy Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-CRRAWD-RPT Reports on CRR Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-PTPAWD-RPT Reports on PTP Obligation Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.

DAM-AOOAWD-RPT Reports on AS-Only Awards for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available.
Cleared DAM transaction (e.g., the buyer and the seller) of the results of the DAM:

  • Awarded Ancillary Service Offers, specifying Resource, MW, Ancillary Service Type, and price, for each hour of the awarded offer;
  • Awarded energy offers from Three-Part Supply Offers and from DAM Energy-Only Offers, specifying Resource (except for DAM Energy-Only Offers), MWh, Settlement Point, and Settlement Point Price, for each hour of the awarded offer;
  • Awarded DAM Energy Bids, specifying MWh, Settlement Point, and Settlement Point Price for each hour of the awarded bid;
  • Awarded CRR Offers (PTP Options and PTP Options with Refund), specifying CRR identifier(s), number of CRRs in MW, source and sink Settlement Points, and price, for each Settlement Interval of the awarded offer; and
  • Awarded PTP Obligation Bids, number of PTP Obligations in MW, source and sink Settlement Points, and price for each Settlement Interval of the awarded bid.
  • Awarded AS-only offers, specifying AS type, and MWh for each hour of the awarded bid;
QSE Data Available

Synch: 4.3.1- 4.3.7
Async: 5.3.5 - 5.3.11
8 SCED-TWOHR-FAIL Two Hour Notification: Check FAILED due to missing Output Schedules/Energy Offer Curves for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>

SCED-TWOHR-FAIL Two Hour Notification: Output Schedule Validation FAILED for Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY>. Please find the details in the report MP_S_OUTSCHED_TwoHrNotif_<HH>.
Notify the QSE that an Energy Offer Curve or Output Schedule has not yet been submitted for a Resource as a reminder that one of the two must be submitted by the end of the Adjustment Period Submission Warning Med A QSE
9 SCED-TELOS-NOTF Telemetered Output Schedule Notification: Output Schedule for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME> If a valid Output Schedule does not exist for a Resource that has a status of On-Line Dynamically Scheduled Resource at the time of SCED execution, then ERCOT shall notify the QSE and set the Output Schedule equal to the telemetered output of the Resource until a revised Output Schedule is validated. Submission Warning Med A QSE
10 CM-CONSCK-FAIL Consistency Check for Resource Status failed for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Operating Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> , Operating Hour: <HH>, Cop Status: <COP_STATUS>, Telemetered Status: <TEL_STATUS> Five minutes before the end of each hour, ERCOT shall identify inconsistencies between the telemetered Resource Status and the Resource Status stated in the COP for that Resource in the next hour. On detecting an inconsistency, ERCOT shall provide a notice of inconsistent Resource Status to the QSE using the Messaging System COP Warning Med A QSE
11 DAM-CLOSE-NOTF DAM has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> Notify QSEs that the DAM has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
12 DAM-RECLOSE-NOTF DAM has closed due to AS Insufficiency for <MM/DD/YYYY>. Notify QSEs that the DAM has closed again after reopening for AS insufficiency. Market Message Low All QSEs
13 CM-OPHRCLOSE-NOTF Market has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> hr <HH>. Notify QSEs that the Market has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
14 CM-MKTOPEN-NOTF Market has opened for <MM/DD/YYYY>. Notify QSEs that the Market has opened Market Message Low All QSEs
15 CM-ADJOPEN-NOTF Adjustment window has opened for <MM/DD/YYYY>. Notify QSEs that the adjustment window has opened Market Message Low All QSEs
16 CM-ADJCLOSE-NOTF Adjustment window has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> hr <HH>. Notify QSEs that the adjustment window has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
17 DAM-P2VAL-NOTF Phase2 Validation has completed for the date: <MM/DD/YYYY> Notify QSEs that the Phase 2 validation (for credit validation, etc) has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
18 DAM-P2VAL-ERR Phase2 Validation has failed for the date: <MM/DD/YYYY>, type: <DATA_TYPE>. Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. Notify QSEs that the Phase 2 validation has failed. Market Message

Noun: NONE
Synch: none
Async: none
19 DAM-ASMCPC-RPT Reports on AS MCPC for operating date <MM/DD/YYYY> are available. Notify QSEs that AS MCPC reports are available QSE Data Available

Noun: MCPCs
Synch: 4.3.12 Async: none
Low All QSEs
20 CM-COPCK-NOTF Cop Update Check failed for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Operating Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> , Operating Hour: <HH>, Cop Status: <XX> Notify QSEs who do not have complete COPs for all hours of the current operating day and the following day COP Warning Med A QSE
21 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: Non-Spin, RES_NAME: , DEPLOY_MW: , BEGIN_TIME: , END_TIME: , DURATION: Hrs Mins., ID: ; Notify QSE of AS deployment/recall for Non-Spin for a specific resource Operational Information High A QSE
22 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: Non-Spin, DEPLOY_MW: , BEGIN_TIME: , END_TIME: , DURATION: Hrs Mins; Notify QSEs of AS deployment Summary for Non-Spin Operational Information High All QSEs
23 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: , RES_NAME: , DEPLOY_MW: , BEGIN_TIME: , END_TIME: , DURATION: Hrs Mins., ID: ; Notify QSEs of AS deployment/recall for ECRS, UFR or FFR for a specific resource Market Message High A QSE
24 CM-ASM-NOTF AS_TYPE: ERS, QSE_NAME: , RAMP_TYPE: <10/30> , GROUP_NUMBER: , GROUP_TYPE: , WS_TYPE: , DEPLOY_MW: , BUSINESS_HOUR: , BEGIN_TIME: ; Notify QSE of AS deployment for ERS Market Message High A QSE
25 CM-ASM-NOTF ERCOT Emergency Response <Service-10/Service-30> is Being <Deployed/ Recalled> ERS Recall and Deployment messages Operational Information High All QSEs
26 CM-VDI-NOTF Verbal Dispatch Instructions for acknowledgement have been sent for the Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME> Confirm with a QSE that VDIs were sent for a resource Market Message Low A QSE
27 CM-SWCAP-NOTF SWCAP has been changed for AS/ENGY to <XXXX.XX> Notify QSEs that the system-wide offer cap has changed for AS, Energy, or both. Market Message High All QSEs
28 CM-COPVAL-NOTF For CC Unit: UNIT_NAME, there are two or more modes online for Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> MMS hourly process that checks the COP for combined cycle configurations and will issue warning messages sent to the QSE if two or more configurations are marked as online in any one of the remaining hours of today and all the hours for tomorrow. Market Message High A QSEs
29 CM-COPVAL-NOTF For resource: <RESOURCE_NAME> the COP Status does not match with the other jointly owned units belonging to Physical <RESOURCE_NAME> for Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> for one or more hours MMS hourly process that issues warning messages to QSEs if two or more jointly owned units belonging to the same physical resource do not have the same Resource Status in the COP for any of the remaining hours of today and all the hours of tomorrow. Market Message High A QSE
30 SCED-ADJPER-WARN End of Adjustment Period: Reported warning(s) for Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. MMS hourly process that checks for Output Schedule ramp rate and HSL/LSL violations for the hour interval that is at the end of the Adjustment Period. Submission Warning Med A QSE
31 SCED-TWOHR-WARN Two Hour Notification: Reported warning(s) for Hour: <HH> and Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> Please find the details in the report <REPORT_NAME>. MMS hourly process that checks for Output Schedule ramp rate and HSL/LSL violations for the hour interval two hours from current time. Submission Warning Med A QSE
32 CM-ASUND-FAIL-NOTF AS Undeliverable for: <raic_resource_name> on trade date: <tradedate> at delivery time <delivery_hour, <HH>24:<delivery_min> for AS Type: <as_type>, RUC Type: <ruc_type>, Violated MW: <violated_mw> [of <cop_as_mw>]. Notify QSE Submission Warning Med A QSE
33 DRUC-CLOSE-NOTF DRUC has closed for <MM/DD/YYYY> Notify QSEs that the DRUC has closed Market Message Low All QSEs
34 WRUC-COMP-NOTF WRUC has completed for mm/dd/yyyy. Notify QSEs that the WRUC has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
SCED has completed for MM/DD/YYYY HH<24>:MI:SS.
Notify QSEs that SCED has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
36 PRC_CORR_SCED Notify QSEs that SCED price corrections are available. Market Message Low All QSEs
37 PRC_CORR_DAM Notify QSEs that DAM price corrections are available. Market Message Low All QSEs
38 RTD-COMP-NOTF RTD has completed for MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS Notify QSEs that an RTD run has completed. Market Message Low All QSEs
39 ETAG-NOTF DC Tie e-Tag <NERC_TAG> for DC Tie <DC_TIE_NAME> on <DELIVERY_DATE> with a total flow of <QTY> MWhs was processed by ERCOT for <QSE> whose PSE is <PSE>. Certified Notice to QSE when a confirmed e-Tag is downloaded, cancelled, or curtailed by ERCOT’s systems. Market Message Low All QSEs
40 CM-COP-UPD-NOTF COP HSL for <GEN_RES> on trade date <MM/DD/YYYY> hour <HR> has been updated to <VALUE> Notify QSE when a WGR’s or PVGR’s COP HSL value is updated with the forecast value. Market Message Med A QSE
41 CM-SCED-NOTIF   <resource_name> status <original_status> overridden to <new_status>, SCED at  <YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS> Notify a QSE whose resource status has been overwritten by SCED. Market Message Med A QSE
42 CM-SCED-NOTIF <resource_name> buyback status: <Y or N>, set by SCED <YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS> Notify a QSE of the BUYBACK status of the RUC block once SCED sets the BUYBACK_FLAG (Y or N) for the RUC block. Market Message Med A QSE
43 CM-VDI-NOTIF Verbal Dispatch Instructions for FFSS have been sent for Resource <resource_name> with deployed MW of <QTY>, Initiation Time <MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS>,  Completion Time is <NULL or MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS> Confirm with a QSE that FFSS VDIs were sent for a resource Market Message Med A QSE
44 CM-ASOCK-NOTF AS Offer Check failed for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Operating Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> , Operating Hour: <HH>, AS_TYPE: <AS_TYPE> Notify QSEs at the end of the Adjustment Period if a Resource is scheduled to be On-Line and available to provide an Ancillary Service, but does not have any Ancillary Service Offers for Ancillary Services that the Resource is qualified to provide. Submission Warning Med A QSE
45 CM-ESRCK-NOTF ESR Offer Check failed for Resource: <RESOURCE_NAME>, Operating Date: <MM/DD/YYYY> , SCED at <YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS> Notify QSEs at the time of SCED execution if a valid Energy Bid/Offer Curve or Output Schedule does not exist for an ESR that has a status of On-Line Submission Warning Med A QSE