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Market Transaction Service

The purpose of the MarketTransaction Service is to support interfaces required for market transactions. This section describes the use of web services by Market Participants as required for bidding processes that involve the submission, change, and cancellation of bids, trades, offers, and schedules for specific markets.

On a given trading day, each Market Participant provides information (using a BidSet) to ERCOT that will be used at the close of the market to determine awards and obligations and to provide schedules needed for market operations. Up until the close of the market, a Market Participant may create, update, or cancel bids, trades, offers, and schedules. When submitted, ERCOT will validate the submission, reporting format or submission errors to Market Participants using notification messages.

Interfaces Provided

The interfaces provide the means to create (i.e. submit), get (i.e. query) and cancel (i.e. withdraw) bids/trades/offers/schedules on a given trading date. A single container class 'BidSet' is used to hold a set of bids/trades/offers/schedules within the Payload section of the message, where each of the bids, trades, schedules or offers may be of a different type.

The following diagram shows an example message sequence, using the 'verb' and 'noun' convention. Where this section focuses on the requests made by Market Participant systems to the ERCOT Nodal Web Services, the sequence diagram also includes notification messages sent from ERCOT to Market Participant Notification services (as described in section 5).

    participant A as Market Participant Notification Service
    participant B as Market Participant System
    participant C as ERCOT Nodal External Interface
    B-)C: createBidSet
    C--)B: reply BidSet (status=SUBMITTED)
    C-)C: BidSet validated
    C-)A: updated BidSet (status=ERRORS)
    B->>C: get BidSet
    C--)B: reply BidSet
    B-)C: update BidSet
    C-)C: BidSet revalidated
    C-)A: updated BidSet (status=ACCEPTED)
    A-->C: Market Close
    C->>A: created Awards

The message sequence example shown involves the following steps:

  1. Market participant sends a RequestMessage for 'create BidSet' with an initial BidSet to ERCOT for a specific market

  2. In response to step 1, ERCOT performs a simple syntax scan and typically sends a ResponseMessage with ReplyCode=OK. In the response payload, each bid/offer/trade/schedule will identify a 'SUBMITTED' status and an mRID value. (An alternative example could result in a reply of 'ERRORS' if the syntax check failed, in which case steps 3 and 4 would not occur). This reply is synchronous.

  3. ERCOT validates the bids within the BidSet. This could take several minutes. This processing is done asynchronously.

  4. A notification message (using verb=changed) is sent to the notification interface provided by the Market Participant. The status of the bids within the BidSet will indicate whether the bid/offer/trade/schedule was PENDING/ACCEPTED or had ERRORS. This message will not include the complete BidSet.

  5. When multiple bids are submitted in a large payload, the Market Participant will asynchronously receive the notification holding the bids status for the "accepted" and "rejected" (in the event of ERRORS) bids along with the rejection reason.  As always, MPs may make a request to get the current bids within the submitted BidSet using a RequestMessage with verb=get. The request may be for individual bids using the mRID values, or for the entire set of bids within the BidSet using the TradeDate (using short mRIDs).  It will return all successful (accepted) bids and not the rejected bids.

  6. If appropriate, reply is sent for get BidSet in step 5.

  7. A Market Participant may choose to cancel one or more bids using a RequestMessage with verb=cancel. The mRID is used for cancellation of a bid. (See section 2.3.4)

  8. In response to step 7, a ResponseMessage is sent with verb=’reply’. This response is synchronous.

  9. The Market Participant may resubmit some bids (e.g. to correct errors), to change bids (e.g. change prices) and/or submit new bids, using a RequestMessage with verb=change (note that BidSets are a special case where the verbs 'create' and 'change' can be used interchangeably).

  10. In response to step 9, a ResponseMessage is sent with verb='reply'. This response is synchronous.

  11. The newly submitted bids within the BidSet (i.e. the set of bids consequential to steps 7 and 9) are validated. This may take minutes, and processing is performed asynchronously.

  12. As in step 4, a notification message is sent to the Market Participant to indicate whether or not the BidSet was validated and accepted (with either an ACCEPTED or PENDING state). The notification message uses verb=changed.

  13. After the close of the market, awards and obligations are determined.

  14. Market participants are notified of specific awards and/or obligations. The notification message uses verb=’created’, noun=’AwardSet’.

The following diagram describes the potential state transitions of each bid/offer/trade/schedule within a BidSet:

State Diagram for Bids, Trades, Offers and Schedules

Interfaces Required

The following table describes the parameters used in the request message (RequestMessage) for market transactions, noting that each transaction has a request and a response message. The verbs create, update, get and cancel are respectively used to submit (create or change), query and cancel BidSets.

Message Element Value
Header/Verb create/get/change/cancel
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Payload BidSet (a single BidSet may be used for create and update request messages, and may optionally be used for get requests to identify specific bids of interest)

The corresponding response messages (ResponseMessage) would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error message if the ReplyCode is ERROR
Reply/Timestamp The time the submission was received by ERCOT
Payload BidSet, where the status of each bid/offer/trade/schedule within the BidSet may be SUBMITTED, PENDING, ACCEPTED, UNCONFIRMED, REJECTED or ERRORS. Specific errors may be identified for each bid.


In the cases of payloads that would otherwise exceed 1 megabyte, the payloads should be zipped, base64 encoded and stored within the Payload/Compressed tag.

For the purposes of BidSets, the verbs create and update can be used interchangeably. Note that only one BidSet is permitted for a given message, and all transactions within the BidSet must be for the same trading date.

Message Specifications

A BidSet is the payload type used for the submission, query, and cancellation of bids and offers, and serves as a container for the different types of bids, offers, trades and scheduled that are submitted by a QSE for a given trading day. A BidSet identifies the trading date and Market Participant with a sequence of any number of bids, trades, offers, and schedules.

The header of a BidSet is shown in the following diagram:

Bidset Header Structure

An important note is that the BidSet uses an XSD sequence, requiring each type of bid, trade, offer, or schedule to be provided in a specific order. Please reference the XML Schema for the correct order.

The submission (using 'create' verb and 'BidSet' noun in the message header) of a BidSet by a Market Participant will have the effect of either creating new bids (or offers, schedules, trades, etc.) for a given trading date, or overwriting existing bids that were previously submitted for a given BidSet for a given trading day.

Additionally, bids, offers, trades, and schedules may be submitted in partial batches, where more than one BidSet is submitted for a given trading day. When this is done, new bids are aggregated with previously submitted bids and updates to previously submitted bids overwrite the previous bid. The following sequence describes the aggregation of BidSets:

  1. A first BidSet is submitted by a market participant for a trading day, with bids 1, 2, 3, 4.

  2. A second BidSet is submitted by the market participant for the day with bids 5, 6, 7, 8.

  3. The market participant 'get's the BidSet for the day, the reply returns the details of bids 1-8.

  4. The market participant submits a cancel for bid 1.

  5. A third BidSet is submitted by the market participant for the day, where there are updates to bids 5 and 7, as well as a new bid 9

  6. The market participant 'get's the BidSet for the day, the reply returns the details of bids 2-9.

In order to cancel a bid, a BidSet must be sent using the 'cancel' verb, with the specific bids to be cancelled identified within the BidSet. Cancel can only be used to cancel specific bids, not a whole BidSet for a given market.

In order to query a BidSet, A BidSet is sent using the 'get' verb, where the desired bids for the specific BidSet are identified. There are then two options:

  1. If no bids are identified within the BidSet, all bids for the particular trading date will be returned in the BidSet in the response message.

  2. If specific bids are identified within the BidSet, only the details of the specified bids will be returned in the BidSet in the response message.

When a BidSet is returned by a 'get' request for a given trade date, the status value of each in the BidSet is populated. Values could include:

  • SUBMITTED (to indicate submission, but no further processing has been completed)

  • ACCEPTED (to indicate successful validation and acceptance of the transaction)

  • UNCONFIRMED (to indicate a trade that is not yet confirmed, once confirmed it would go to the ACCEPTED state)

  • PENDING (to indicate a transaction that is not yet accepted, as it may be submitted for a day after the next trading date or the second phase of validation within MMS has not yet completed)

  • REJECTED (to indicate a transaction that has been rejected)

  • CANCELED (to indicate a transaction was canceled, this can not be retrieved by a get)

  • ERRORS (to indicate that there are one or more errors for the transaction)

Additionally the “Submit Time” is returned with the response to a bid retrieval request, indicating the bid receipt timestamp by ERCOT.  Submit timestamp is an output only field and if populated by the submitter on the bid creation request, it will be overwritten by the ERCOT Integration layer at the time it is received (and returned via bid retrieval).

The following sub sections describe the structure of specific bid, offer, trade, and schedule types. Typically each bid/offer/trade/schedule will have a set of properties that along with the type of bid/offer/trade/schedule makes it unique (see section 2.3.3). Typically these would include:

  • Bid, offer, schedule or trade type

  • Resource

  • Ancillary Service type

When submitting a bid/offer/schedule/trade using create or update, all properties for the bid must be specified. When performing a get or cancel request, only those parameters that uniquely identify the bid/offer/trade/schedule must be specified through the use of an mRID. The following diagram shows information commonly maintained for each type of bid/offer/trade/schedule. The status for a given bid/offer/trade/schedule may be SUBMITTED, PENDING, ACCEPTED, ERRORS or CANCELED. If the status is ERRORS, there may be one or more error stings identified.

Bid, Offer, Trade, and Schedule Common Elements

The mRID is not supplied for the initial submission of a bid, but must be supplied for cancellations to previously submitted bids. The marketType is currently optional and is reserved for future use. When an mRID is specified for a 'get' or 'cancel' request, it is supplied using a message request/ID tag.

The 'externalId' may be populated by the QSE with an identifier of their choice. If supplied upon submission, the identifier will then be used in conjunction with notifications of acceptance or rejection due to errors.

Three-Part Supply Offer (TPO)

Self-Arranged Ancillary Service Quantities (SAA)

Incremental and Decremental Energy Offer Curves (IDO)

Ancillary Service Offer (ASO)

Ancillary Service Only Offer (AOO)

Ancillary Service Trade (AST)

Availability Plan (AVP)

Capacity Trade (CT)

PTP Obligation w/ Links to Option (CRR)

Current Operating Plan (COP)

DAM Energy Bid (EB)

DAM Energy-Only Offer (EOO)

Energy Trade (ET)

Output Schedule (OS)

PTP Obligation Bid (PTP)

Self-Schedule (SS)

Real-Time Market Energy Bid (REB)

Exceptional Fuel Cost (EFC)

Error Handling

The purpose of this section is to describe the handling of errors related to submissions, updates, queries, and cancellations. This is especially important, as BidSets can be partially accepted, where some bids, offers, trades, or schedules within a BidSet can be accepted, and others rejected.

Condition Action Error Reported
Bad parameters in message header Request is rejected ERROR: INVALID REQUEST
Invalid Source or UserID Request is rejected ERROR: NOT AUTHORIZED
Payload can not be interpreted Request is rejected ERROR: BAD PAYLOAD
Parameters within BidSet header are invalid, e.g. bad trading date No bids or updates are accepted ERROR: BAD BIDSET
Request for a get, cancel or update identifies an unknown transaction (i.e. bid, offer, trade, schedule) The request is processed only for the known transactions. WARNING: UNKNOWN ID: ……
Some transactions within a BidSet are rejected For submissions containing multiple offers/bids, valid offers/bids are accepted as submitted, invalid offers/bids are rejected and marked with errors. An offer/bid will be rejected entirely if any hour within it is invalid. BidSet on reply identifies errors for those transactions that were rejected on a transaction by transaction basis.

It is also important to note that the submission of a BidSet involves multiple steps:

  1. BidSet is syntax scanned, where only basic validity checks are performed. The reply identifies where basic validity checks failed. Transactions within the BidSet that pass basic validation checks are marked as SUBMITTED and a transaction ID (mRID) value is returned.

  2. A more thorough validity check is performed asynchronously by the Market Management System (MMS)

  3. After acceptance or rejection by MMS, a notification is issued that identified whether the transaction was ACCEPTED, is PENDING, or had an error.

The following structure is used to report errors, where the severity, area of the error or the specific time can be identified.

BidSet Error Structure

The error structure is populated in the following manner:

  • severity may be 'error', 'warning' or 'informational', as determined by the source system

  • area may be used to indicate the tag or parent tag (e.g. EnergySchedule), where an error was identified

  • interval may be used to identify the time of the data item of concern, where many data items may be related to a schedule submission. For market transaction interfaces, a market interval (using hour ending and minute ending) is used as opposed to a timestamp

  • text as provided by the source system

When possible, the described error structure will be used. However, there are many cases where error5 structure can not be used, as in cases where schema validations fail and normal validation is not possible. These are typically the result of programming errors. Examples would include:

  • XML is not well formed

  • XML is not schema compliant, from the perspective of basic data structures

  • XML is not schema compliant, from the perspective that values provided are invalid (e.g. invalid time strings, nulls where values are required, non-numeric values where numeric values are required, obviously out of range values, invalid enumerations)

Usage and XML Samples

This section provides usage details with XML examples for the submission (create), query (get), update, and cancellation (cancel) of bidds, offers, trades, and schedules.

Offer and Bid Set Submission

When submitting a set of bids, offers, trades, and/or schedules, the following structures are used within the message:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb create
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Payload BidSet

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error messages
Payload BidSet, returning transaction IDs (mRIDs) for individual bids, offers, trades or schedules and/or error messages.

The following is an example message for a request message for the submission of a BidSet by a Market Participant. The following example uses a SelfArrangedAS.

<RequestMessage xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
            <Created>2006-12-09 15:35:57Z</Created>
        <Comment>Example message</Comment>
        <BidSet xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">            

        … additional bids inserted here …


The following is an example response message, where the submission request was successful:

<ResponseMessage xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
        <BidSet xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">                  

The following is an example response where a submission was unsuccessful, as a consequence of invalid parameters on the BidSet:

<ResponseMessage xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
        <Error>Bad trading date</Error>

The following is an example response where a submission was unsuccessful, as a consequence of syntax failures within a specific bid/offer/trade/schedule within the BidSet. It is important to note that only the status and errors (if any exist) are returned for each bid.

<ResponseMessage xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="">
        <Error>Bid syntax errors</Error>
        <BidSet xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
                <error><severity>error</severity><text>Unknown bid type XYZ</text></error>
                <error><severity>error</severity><text>Bad schema</text></error>
                <externalId>SOMEQSE external ID 123</externalId>

                ... sequence of bids with status and  errors (if any)  appears here ...


The more detailed validations errors would typically be available after a period of minutes, where a notification would be issued to identify that errors were found.


The order of the bids, offers, trades, and schedules within the reply BidSet is identical to the order that was provided in the BidSet for the submission. This is important so that the mRID in the response can be associated with the correct bid, offer, trade, or schedule from the submission.

Querying Bids, Offers, Trades and Schedules

A query request uses the 'get' verb on the message header to query specific bids, offers, trades and schedules. There are two options for querying a set of bids, offers, trades, or schedules:

  • The transaction ID (mRID) for each bid, offer, trade, or schedule of interest is identified using the message Request/ID parameter. These must be for the same trade date.

  • In all cases only the trading date and a product type is supplied, where only the bids, offers, schedules and trades for that trading date of the specified product type will be returned. This is done using a partial (shortened) mRID in the form <QSE>.<date>.<product>, such as 'SOMEQSE.20081112.COP'.

Table below reflects the required short mRID tokens for every bid type:

BID Type Type (XML tag) * Short mRID Key String*
Ancillary Service Offer ASOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.ASO
Ancillary Service Trade ASTrade <QSE>.<TradingDate>.AST
Capacity Trade CapacityTrade <QSE>.<TradingDate>.CT
Current Operating Plan COP <QSE>.<TradingDate>.COP
PTP Obligation w/ Links to Option CRR <QSE>.<TradingDate>.CRR.Source.Sink
DAM Energy Bid EnergyBid <QSE>.<TradingDate>.EB.SP
DAM Energy-Only Offer EnergyOnlyOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.EOO.SP
Energy Trade EnergyTrade <QSE>.<TradingDate>.ET
Inc Dec Energy Offer IncDecOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.IDO
Output Schedule OutputSchedule <QSE>.<TradingDate>.OS
PTP Obligation Bid PTPObligation <QSE>.<TradingDate>.PTP.Source.Sink
Real-Time Market Energy Bid RTMEnergyBid <QSE>.<TradingDate>.REB
Self-Arranged AS SelfArrangedAS <QSE>.<TradingDate>.SAA
Self-Schedule SelfSchedule <QSE>.<TradingDate>.SS
Three Part Supply Offer ThreePartOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.TPO
BID Type Type (XML tag) * Short mRID Key String*
Ancillary Service Offer ASOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.ASO
Ancillary Service Only Offer ASOnlyOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.AOO
Ancillary Service Trade ASTrade <QSE>.<TradingDate>.AST
Capacity Trade CapacityTrade <QSE>.<TradingDate>.CT
Current Operating Plan COP <QSE>.<TradingDate>.COP
PTP Obligation w/ Links to Option CRR <QSE>.<TradingDate>.CRR.Source.Sink
DAM Energy Bid EnergyBid <QSE>.<TradingDate>.EB.SP
DAM Energy-Only Offer EnergyOnlyOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.EOO.SP
Energy Trade EnergyTrade <QSE>.<TradingDate>.ET
Inc Dec Energy Offer IncDecOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.IDO
Output Schedule OutputSchedule <QSE>.<TradingDate>.OS
PTP Obligation Bid PTPObligation <QSE>.<TradingDate>.PTP.Source.Sink
Real-Time Market Energy Bid RTMEnergyBid <QSE>.<TradingDate>.REB
Self-Arranged AS SelfArrangedAS <QSE>.<TradingDate>.SAA
Self-Schedule SelfSchedule <QSE>.<TradingDate>.SS
Three Part Supply Offer ThreePartOffer <QSE>.<TradingDate>.TPO

In all cases the verb is 'get', the noun is 'BidSet'. Please note that this interface will not return any bids, offers, trades or schedules that were invalid upon submission. The externalId will not be returned, as it is not maintained by MMS.

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/ID One or more mRID values, where the products are of the same type and for the same trading date.

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error messages
Payload BidSet, returning details for desired bids, offers, trades and schedules

The following is an example response payload:

<BidSet xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">

Updating Bids, Offers, Trades and Schedules

A request to update specific bids, offers, trades and schedules is identically the same as a submission request. If the bid, offer, schedule or trade was previously submitted it will be updated. If it did not previously exist, it will be created.

For the purpose of bidding, the 'create' and 'change' verbs are used interchangeably.

Message Element Value
Header/Verb change
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Payload BidSet

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error messages
Payload BidSet, returning transaction IDs (mRIDs) for individual bids, offers, trades or schedules and or error messages.

The following is an example request payload, where a previously submitted ASTrade will be updated. There may be more than one bid, offer, trade or schedule updated at a time. New submissions may also be mixed with updates.

<BidSet xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <externalId>My External ID 123454</externalId>

Canceling Bids, Offers, Trades and Schedules

A cancellation request uses the 'cancel' verb on the message header in order to cancel one or more query specific bids, offers, trades and schedules, as identified using an mRID. It is important to note that a COP submission can not be canceled, as it is required and can otherwise only be updated. It is also important to note that the mRID values must identify bids, offers, trades and schedules for the same trade date.

Message Element Value
Header/Verb cancel
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/ID One or more mRID values

When canceling a bid, it is also possible to cancel individual hours of a bid. This would be done by suffixing the mRID of the bid to be canceled with the specific hour. If the hour is not provided, all hours will be canceled.

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun BidSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error May be any number of error messages
Payload/BidSet BidSet identifying bids canceled, identifying mRID and status=CANCELED

The following is an example BidSet that would be provided in the response message:

<BidSet xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">