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DAM Energy Only Offer (EOO)

DAM Energy-Only Offer (EOO)

The following diagram describes the structure of a DAM Energy-Only Offer:

Energy Only Offer Structure

The EnergyOfferCurve structure uses the PriceCurve type structure described previously in this document. On submission, the following table describes the items used for an EnergyOnlyOffer:

Element Req? Datatype Description Values
startTime K dateTime Start time for bid Valid start hour boundary for trade date
endTime K dateTime End time for bid Valid end hour boundary for trade date
externalId N string External ID QSE supplied
sp K string Settlement point Valid settlement point name
bidID1 K string

Bid ID

ERCOT’s preference is for QSEs to submit the same Bid/Offer ID for each hour in the submission, versus submitting a different Bid/Offer ID for every hour.  The market system treats either submission format the exact same way.  The purpose of this is to optimize system performance.

QSE supplied bid ID.

Value Restrictions:

Only alpha numeric, “_”(underscore) and “-“(dash) are valid characters. First and last character should be alpha numeric.

Min Length: 2chars.

Max Length: 12 chars.

expirationTime Y dateTime Time of offer expiration Valid time before trade date
EnergyOfferCurve/startTime Y dateTime Start time for curve Valid hour boundary
EnergyOfferCurve/endTime Y dateTime End time for curve Valid hour boundary
EnergyOfferCurve/curveStyle Y string Used as an indicator to describe the type of ‘curve’ FIXED, VARIABLE or CURVE
EnergyOfferCurve/CurveData/xvalue Y float Quantity in megawatts MW
EnergyOfferCurve/CurveData/y1value Y float Price in $/MWh $/MWh
EnergyOfferCurve/incExcFlag N string Not used Not used
EnergyOfferCurve/reason N string Not used Not used
EnergyOfferCurve/multiHourBlock N Boolean Indicates if offer must be taken as a block for all hours true or false (default=false)

The following is an XML example for an EnergyOnlyOffer:

<BidSet xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" ErcotTransactions.xsd">

And the corresponding response:

<ns1:BidSet xmlns:ns1="">
            <ns1:text>Successfully processed the ERCOT Energy-Only Offer.</ns1:text>