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Ancillary Service Only Offer (AOO)

Ancillary Service Only Offer (AOO)


New interface with RTC+B Implementation

The AS Only Offer is an Ancillary Service (AS) offer that is not resource specific. An individual offer should be for a single Ancillary Service product only. The offer is limited to the following AS types: Reg-Up, Reg-Down, Non-Spin, RRSPF (RRS – Primary Frequency Response) and ECRSS (ECRS - SCED Dispatchable):

ASOnlyOffer Structure

The ASOnlyPriceCurve structure used for ASOnlyOffers can contain up to five price/quantity offer blocks. This structure is described in the following figure:

AS Only PriceCurve Structure

On submission, the following table describes the items used for an ASOnlyOffer:

Element Req? Datatype Description Values
startTime K dateTime Start time for bid Valid start hour boundary for trade date
endTime K dateTime End time for bid Valid end hour boundary for trade date
externalId N string External ID QSE supplied
asType K string AS key code Reg-Up
bidID K string Multiple offers for same asType allowed by bidID MP supplied bid ID Value Restrictions: Only alpha numeric, “_”(underscore) and “-“(dash) are valid characters. First and last character should be alpha numeric. Min Length: 2chars. Max Length: 12 chars.
ASOnlyPriceCurve/startTime Y dateTime Start time for curve Valid hour boundary
ASOnlyPriceCurve/endTime Y dateTime End time for curve Valid hour boundary
ASOnlyPriceCurve/xvalue Y float Megawatts Quantity in MW
ASOnlyPriceCurve/yvalue Y float $/MWh Price in $/MWh

The following is an XML example for an ASOnlyOffer for AS type Reg-Up:


The following is another XML example for an ASOnlyOffer, where the AS type is only Reg-Down:


The following is another XML example for an ASOnlyOffer, where the AS type is Non-Spin:


The following is another XML example for an ASOnlyOffer, where the AS type is RRSPF:


The following is another XML example for an ASOnlyOffer, where the AS type is ECRSS:


And the corresponding response:

    <ns1:BidSet xmlns:ns1="">
                <ns1:mRID>QSAMP.20240501.AOO.ECRSS.bid5 </ns1:mRID>
                    <ns1:text>Successfully processed the ERCOT As Only Offer.</ns1:text>