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Weather Data

Weather Data

The purpose of this interface is to provide a query for fetching the Actual, historical, and forecast weather related information from EMS system. EMS gets its weather feeds directly from national weather service. This interface will return the full day data for the requesting day.

The request message would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun WeatherInfos
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/OperatingDate Day of Interest

Optional: Zone of interest

If not provided Info for all Zones is returned

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun WeatherInfos
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR
Reply/Error Error message, if error encountered
Payload WeatherInfos

A list of available zones are provided below. If request for no specific zones is submitted, weather information for all zones are returned.

  1. Coast

  2. East

  3. FarWest

  4. North

  5. NorthCentral

  6. SouthCentral

  7. Southern

  8. West

The structure of a reply for weather payload is shown by the following diagrams:

WeatherInfos Structure

WeatherInfo Structure

The following is an XML example for a response for forecast weather related information from EMS system

<WeatherInfos xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
        <area>North Austin</area>