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SCED Violated Constraints

SCED Violated Constraints

This section describes interfaces used to retrieve binding constraint in SCED. SCED Violated Constraints are only provided for RTM market. The request message would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun SCEDViolatedConstraints
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/StartTime Start time of interest
Request/EndTime End time of interest

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun SCEDViolatedConstraints
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error Error message, if error encountered
Payload/ SCEDViolatedConstraints

The structure of SCED violated constraints are described by the following diagram:

SCEDViolatedConstraints Structure

SCEDViolatedConstraint Structure

The following elements are used to report violated constraints:

  • Name of the constraint

  • Value that exceeded limit

  • Defined limit for constraint

  • Timestamp of violation

  • Contingency Name

  • Station name which contingency is from

  • Station name which contingency is to

  • Station voltage which contingency is from

  • Station voltage which contingency is to

  • Constraint is competitive or not

  • Violated MW

  • Constraint ID

  • Max shadow price

The following is an XML example:

<ns1:SCEDViolatedConstraints xmlns:ns0=""