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Price Corrected SOTG SODG LMPs

Price Corrected SOTG/SODG LMPs

This section describes interfaces used to retrieve price corrected SOTG/SODG 5-min SCED LMPs. The request message would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun SOGLMPsPC
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/StartTime Start time of interest
Request/EndTime End time of interest

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun SOGLMPsPC
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error Error message, if error encountered
Payload/ RTMPriceCorrectionSOGLMPS

The structure of RTMPriceCorrectionSOGLMPS are described by the following diagram:

RTMPriceCorrectionsSOGLMPS Structure

RTMPriceCorrectionsSOGLMP Structure

The following elements are used to report price corrections for SOTG/SODG 5-min SCED LMPs:

  • SCED Timestamp

  • Resource Type

  • Resource Name

  • Meter Name

  • Meter LMP Original

  • Meter LMP Corrected

  • RTORPA Original

  • RTORPA Corrected

  • RTORDPA Original

  • RTORDPA Corrected

  • Final LMP Original

  • Final LMP Corrected

  • Price Correction Time

  • DST Flag

The following is an XML example:

        <ScedTimestamp>07/28/2021 10:41:51</ScedTimestamp>
        <PriceCorrectionTime>07/30/2021 16:00:00</PriceCorrectionTime>
        <ScedTimestamp>07/28/2021 10:41:51</ScedTimestamp>
        <PriceCorrectionTime>07/30/2021 16:00:00</PriceCorrectionTime>