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End of Adjustment Period Results

End of Adjustment Period Results

This section describes the interface used to retrieve the End of Adjustment Period results. The result set will hold the Output Schedule Validation results (errors and warnings) for the specified trading date and the end hour.

The request message would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun EndAdjPeriod
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/TradingDate Trading date
Request/Option End of Adjustment Period Hour Ending

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun EndAdjPeriod
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error Error message, if error encountered
Payload BidSet/OutputSchedule

The payload structure is described by the following diagram:

Output Schedule Structure

The following is an XML example for End of Adjustment Period Results:

<BidSet xmlns=""
            <text>Five-minute intervals beginning 21:10 through interval 22:0 conflict with existing
                Energy Offer Curve</text>
            <text>Successfully validated the ERCOT Output Schedule.</text>
            <text>The Output Schedule exists for hour ending 22 where resource status is OFF </text>