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DAM Phase II Validation Results

DAM Phase II Validation Results

This section describes the interface used to retrieve the DAM Phase II Validation results. The result set will hold the requested Bid Type Validation results (bid cancellations only) for the specified trading date.

The request message would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun P2ValidationSet
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/TradingDate Trading date
Request/Option BidType of interest See below for valid bid types

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun P2ValidationSet
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error Error message, if error encountered
Payload BidSet/[Bid Type]

Valid Bid Types are:

Valid Bid Type Description
ASOffer Ancillary Service Offer
ASTrade Ancillary Service Trade
AVP Availability Plan
CapacityTrade Capacity Trade
COP Current Operating Plan
CRR PTP Obligation w/ Link to Option
EnergyBid DAM Energy Bid
EnergyOnlyOffer DAM Energy-Only Offer
EnergyTrade Energy Trade
IncDecOffer Inc Dec Energy Offer
OutputSchedule Output Schedule
PTPObligation PTP Obligation Bid
RTMEnergyBid Real-Time Market Energy Bid
SelfArrangedAS Self-Arranged AS
SelfSchedule Self-Schedule
ThreePartOffer Three Part Supply Offer
Valid Bid Type Description
ASOffer Ancillary Service Offer
ASOnlyOffer Ancillary Service Only Offer
ASTrade Ancillary Service Trade
AVP Availability Plan
CapacityTrade Capacity Trade
COP Current Operating Plan
CRR PTP Obligation w/ Link to Option
EnergyBid DAM Energy Bid
EnergyOnlyOffer DAM Energy-Only Offer
EnergyTrade Energy Trade
IncDecOffer Inc Dec Energy Offer
OutputSchedule Output Schedule
PTPObligation PTP Obligation Bid
RTMEnergyBid Real-Time Market Energy Bid
SelfArrangedAS Self-Arranged AS
SelfSchedule Self-Schedule
ThreePartOffer Three Part Supply Offer

The payload structure is described by the following diagram:

DAMPhase2 Structure

DAMPhase2 Structure

The following is an XML example for DAM Phase II validation:

<BidSet xmlns=""
                <text>Validation of the Energy Three Part Offer failed.</text>
            <text>The data required for credit exposure calculation cannot be found</text>