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New interface with RTC+B Implementation

The Get AwardedASOnlyOffer interface provides the means for a market participant to obtain awards pertaining to AS Only Offers. The following parameters are specified in the RequestMessage:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb get
Header/Noun AwardedASOnlyOffer
Header/Source Market participant ID
Header/UserID ID of user
Request/TradingDate Trading date

The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:

Message Element Value
Header/Verb reply
Header/Noun AwardedASOnlyOffer
Header/Source ERCOT
Reply/ReplyCode Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL
Reply/Error Error message, if error encountered
Payload/AwardSet AwardedASOnlyOffer

On retrieval AwardedASOnlyOffer is returned in the payload of the ResponseMessage using the following structure:


AwardedASOnly Price Curve

The following table describes the AwardedASOnlyOffer elements.

Element Datatype Description Values
qse string Participant ID
startTime DateTime Start time for the award Valid award dateTime
endTime DateTime End time for the award Valid award dateTime
tradingDate Date Award date DAM execution date
asType string Ancillary services type Reg-Up
awardedMWh/startTime DateTime Start time for the award Valid award dateTime
awardedMWh/endTime dateTime End time for the award Valid award dateTime
awardedMWhCurveData/xvalue float Awarded quantity Awarded MW
awardedMWhyvalue float Price Note: Also provided by get MCPC for price

The following is an XML example:
