New interface with RTC+B Implementation
The Get AwardedASOnlyOffer interface provides the means for a market participant to obtain awards pertaining to AS Only Offers. The following parameters are specified in the RequestMessage:
Message Element | Value |
Header/Verb | get |
Header/Noun | AwardedASOnlyOffer |
Header/Source | Market participant ID |
Header/UserID | ID of user |
Request/TradingDate | Trading date |
The corresponding response messages would use the following message fields:
Message Element | Value |
Header/Verb | reply |
Header/Noun | AwardedASOnlyOffer |
Header/Source | ERCOT |
Reply/ReplyCode | Reply code, success=OK, error=ERROR or FATAL |
Reply/Error | Error message, if error encountered |
Payload/AwardSet | AwardedASOnlyOffer |
On retrieval AwardedASOnlyOffer is returned in the payload of the ResponseMessage using the following structure:
The following table describes the AwardedASOnlyOffer elements.
Element | Datatype | Description | Values |
qse | string | Participant ID | |
startTime | DateTime | Start time for the award | Valid award dateTime |
endTime | DateTime | End time for the award | Valid award dateTime |
tradingDate | Date | Award date | DAM execution date |
asType | string | Ancillary services type | Reg-Up Reg-Down Non-Spin RRSPF ECRSS |
awardedMWh/startTime | DateTime | Start time for the award | Valid award dateTime |
awardedMWh/endTime | dateTime | End time for the award | Valid award dateTime |
awardedMWhCurveData/xvalue | float | Awarded quantity | Awarded MW |
awardedMWhyvalue | float | Price | Note: Also provided by get MCPC for price |
The following is an XML example: