Document Revisions Date Description Release Date 03/06/2025 RTC+B Updates Service Organization Section Updated Precision section: Obligations can have up to 5 digits after decimal Market Information Section AS Obligations: Added a table describing the AS Obligation payload AwardedASOnlyOffer: Changed Noun to AwardedASOnlyOffer; Updated ASType to Non-Spin Market Transaction Section ASOnlyOffer: Changed On-Non-Spin to Non-Spin Three-Part Supply Offer: Incorporated NPRR1058 changes Notifications Section MMS System-Generated Notices: Replaced DAM-ASOBL-RPT with DAM-ASOBLADV-RPT and DAM-ASOBFNL-RPTUpdated alerts and notices Ancillary Service Only Offer Awards: Newly Added AS Obligations: Added a table describing the AS Obligation payload TBD 03/01/2024 NPRR1186 (Interim SOC): Added gray box information to be used upon system implementation. COP: Added values to limits maxSOC minSOC targetBeginSOC 06/27/2024 05/22/2024 RTC+B gray box information to be used upon system implementation. Services Organization Section Updated Market Products for ASOnlyOffer Updated table to include ASOnlyOffer Removed reference to SASM Market Transactions Section COP: Updated Resource Operating Modes Added Ancillary Service Only Offer Added Ancillary Service Only Offer: Usage and XML Examples Remove Incremental and Decremental Energy Offer Curves (IDO) Market Information Section AwardSet: Added AwardedASOnlyOffer and removed SASM reference AwardedAS: Removed SASM reference Added AwardedASOnlyOffer Market MCPCs: Added RTM MarketType and removed SASM references ASObligation: Updated noun to ASObligationsAdvisory and ASObligationsFinal Aggregated AS Offer Curve: Added RTM MarketType and removed SASM reference DAM ASOffer Insufficiency Report: No longer needed DAM Phase II Validation: Added ASOnlyOffer System Parameters: Updated response Total AS Offers Report: No longer needed SCEDORDCPriceAdders Report: No longer needed SCEDPriceAdders Report Added RTPriceAdderORDC Report: No longer needed RTPriceAdder Report Added RTDIndicativeORDCPriceAdders Report: No longer needed RTD Indicative Price Adders Report Added Notifications Section MMS System-Generated Notices: Updated alerts and notices EMS System-Generated Notices: Updated alerts and notices AwardedAS: Removed SASM reference ASObligation: Updated noun to ASObligationsAdvisory and ASObligationsFinal Removed DAM Ancillary Service Offer Insufficiency Report DAM Phase II Validation: Added ASOnlyOffer Outage Scheduler Section Outage Creation: Added ESR resourceType Outage Update: Added ESR resourceType Utility Interfaces Section Removed Get SASM ID List request Resource Parameters Section Added Generator Resource Parameters SOC Get Notifications Section Added ASOnlyOffer and removed IncDecOffer Utility Interfaces Section Removed Get SASM ID List request TBD 07/01/2024 NPRR1058: Added gray box information to be used upon system implementation. Three-Part Supply Offer: Added reason code OTHR and new reasonText field 06/27/2024